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Do you know how much APP is developing?

2019-07-11 10:45:39 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In the process of developing apps, some companies will choose independent development methods, but some companies will choose various development companies to help them develop, but you must also know the cost of APP development, many people do not knowapp开发多少钱, so this article will give you a brief introduction to the important part of APP development costs, to see which parts it is composed of, let's take a look!



For any APP, the management of the enterprise will askapp开发多少钱before the development, and some of the cost of the APP development cost is very important, that is


Production costs, because now 软件 must be run by the system during the running process, such as Android system and Apple system, and when running in this system, you need to pay some fees, which can not be saved.


This is also a very important aspect. It is well known that the IT industry is a very high-income industry. For many people engaged in APP development, their income is very considerable, so if you want to askapp开发多少钱, then The salary of the employee must not be neglected. At least 软件 must have a project manager and a ui design. In addition, other staff are included, so the cost is very high. Generally speaking, every month. The labor cost required is as high as RMB 4-5 million.


xx 有些人可能觉得APP运营成本无法计算在app开发成本之内,但是事实却并不是这样的,如果你要问app开发多少钱的话,那么就必须要考虑到后期运营与维护的成本,在这个过程当中还必须要不断的升级,同样需要消耗大量的成本,因为只有不断的升级,才能够使软件具备更为强大的功能,这样才能够创造更大的价值,所以运营成本也是不可忽视的。




