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Travel Raiders APP development to create user UGC social platform

2019-07-11 11:26:40 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Tourism Raiders APP development as a tourism-oriented reference guide to help users make travel plans and travel strategies before they travel. In view of the fact that the existing tourism marketing is comparable in sales, many users are more willing to go through the traveler, the public number, and the Raiders to understand relevant travel information. In order to solve this pain point, the travel strategy APP development needs to achieve what functions to satisfy the user. Need to build a UGC social platform?

8-1PZG34524613.png 1. User Travel Notes The current UGC community is better. Take Xiaohongshu as an example. Based on the notes of Xiaohongshu, it is very difficult to create a platform for user-generated travel note records. One thing to do, but if the UGC mechanism is successfully established, the atmosphere can be formed, and the UI design user experience should be differentiated. The user interaction should be based on visual interaction. 2. Intelligent route planning Users can collect relevant tourist attractions, automatically generate planned route schedules, estimated travel cost, etc. Through such an intelligent route plan, users can clear the route and facilitate users to design personalized customized routes. 3, the travel map logo for the meaning of the user's travel, where did the previous time have been fire? Travel map 小程序 tools, travel guide APP development can record the cities that users have been to form a travel-only map as a personal label 沈阳软件 company


xx。 4,通过浏览相关旅行指南信息分享评论和奖励用户,可用于赞美,分享,互动,奖励等社交功能,提高用户互动,同时也鼓励用户发布价值信息。电子商务模式逐渐从事物的聚合转变为人的分组,用户不同引导行为的特征,消费升级后的垂直化,拥挤和场景特征,创建垂直旅游战略平台,旅游文化。 2018年上半年,旅游消费需求强劲,国内游客数量为28.26亿。从运营角度来看,引导用户做他想做的事,未来旅游战略APP的发展将成为旅游潮流的重要支柱地位。


