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Urban management APP development makes urban management work more intimate

2019-07-11 13:28:36 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the vigorous development of the city, it has also attracted a large number of migrant workers; thus, street vendors have become more and more, and the difficulty of urban management departments has become greater. In order to make urban management better serve people, urban management APP applications should be transported. Born. It builds a convenient communication platform for residents and urban management according to the operation mode of each city, allowing residents to manage the city together with the urban management, thus gaining people's favorite. OA system


So what are the functions of this mobile app? Next, the 沈阳APP development company conducted an in-depth analysis on this.


1. Convenient service: Urban management APP provides convenient service for each user. After the user logs in, you can quickly check the surrounding convenience service website, and you can directly make a one-click online reservation, no need to queue up for a long queue. Waiting.

2. Vendor placement: The platform establishes a vendor placement point according to the number of city vendors; if a vendor wants to obtain a placement qualification, then it is necessary to submit real and effective personal information online. Only in this way can the vendor not be assured City streets have a certain impact.

3. Problem feedback: Urban management APP软件 has set up a communication stage for users and urban management. Here, residents can feedback the suggestions and problems of urban management, and the online city management will respond in time so that they can use the negotiation method. Handling urban management issues.

4. Convenience Announcement: For every rectification of urban streets, the urban management APP system will be posted on the homepage at the first time, and the users will be reminded by SMS to let the residents see the announcements and adjust the travel time and plan in time to let the residents Life has become more convenient.



