"Near 小程序" update, 微信 want to recreate a US group review?
小程序 may have a real entrance.
Last night, 微信 "near 小程序" ushered in a relatively large update: a new navigation of the service category has been added, users can also manually search for the location, while nearby 小程序 is unified to display on the standard business page.
The updated nearby 小程序 has 16 first-class categories, including food shopping, travel, public services, lifestyle services, and entertainment. Under the first-level classification, there are sub-categories of subdivisions, such as snacks, Cantonese cuisine, tea restaurants, hot pots and other sub-categories.
In the location information in the upper right corner, the user can manually search, modify, and use 小程序 near the new location. This is consistent with the operation of local life services such as the US Mission and the public comment. The advantage of this is that the user can freely choose the service near the target place of consumption at any time without being limited to the current location.
In the nearby 小程序 list, if you click on one of them, you will find it is more like a business page than 小程序. The information on this page consists of the store name, address, business hours and phone number. You can also attach store videos and pictures under the store information.
If the merchant has developed its own 小程序, you can set the jump link on the store information page (you can set to jump multiple 小程序). Only when the user clicks on the 小程序 of the merchant, it will appear in the user's "Recently Used" list, and only browsing the information page will not, which also reduces the user's use burden.
xx 在店铺信息页,如果商家开通了微信买单,会员或优惠服务,也会在这里展示。商家的小程序和卡券很好地结合在了一起。用户在选择特定分类下的附近小程序时,也可以通过点击标签筛选开通了微信买单,会员或优惠服务的商家。
目前来看,微信的这次更新还显得有些仓促。以爱范儿所在的沈阳 TIT创意园为例,附近还有非常多的商家没有加入附近的小程序,已加入的商家,大部分都只有一个简单的门店信息页,除了零星的几张照片和地址,电话,用户还无法获得更多的信息和服务。
XX 增加分类导航后,附近的小程序看上去已经和美团,大众点评极其相似,从分类的选择来看,微信也有这样的意愿,原本会在附近小程序中一并展示的游戏,资讯,工具类小程序被完全剔除,线上线下结合的门店被无限突出。
本质上,它也完全可以提供本地生活的各种服务,甚至在政府,海外机构(如外国领事馆)等非商业机构提供的服务方面,微信有更大的优势。加上微信庞大的用户规模, 小程序无需下载,用完即走的体验,「附近的小程序」有可能成为本地生活服务的重要入口。