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Zhang Xiaolong invented 小程序, he did not know how to play

2019-07-13 01:03:12 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


For the whole part of the 小程序 talked about, there are several aspects, jumping a small game; small game plug-in; use it away; first tight and then loose.

(1) Jump one jump

I believe that a large number of users first touch 小程序 by jumping. As a 小程序 internal proofing product, Zhang Xiaolong also directly called the effect completely beyond his imagination. From the first wave of 小程序 that was not allowed to play online a year ago to the game of this year, it can be said that the transition is very big. Tencent is also inviting more powerful game developers to enter, and vigorously start the layout of small games on 小程序.

(2) Jumping outside the jump

A very small game plug-in is already very serious. Zhang Xiaolong cares about the destruction of the entire system rules by the plug-in, making the rules invalid. From my perspective, the creation of plug-ins is a hot game. If an early program, users do not have a desire to break through the rules, it is not a success. Just plugging in is not a positive road. At the beginning of the establishment of 微信, the two products of the competitors were opened, and the people nearby were shaken. Combining the content of the first two points, the humanity needs behind socialization are an indispensable part of product mining, and this one cannot be placed on the table. Just like cross talk, the stage says that it needs to be able to broadcast. What the audience liked at the beginning was precisely that the audience could not broadcast.

(3) When you run out, you will come again

xx 这一次,张小龙去年对公开课“走出去”做了进一步的解释。事实上,仍有一句话“将要回来”。现在每个人都觉得难度很大,95%的人都可以做到,但它仍然可以低于5%,甚至更低。下半部分是测试小程序成功与否的关键。它类似于许多互联网公司内部数据的旧用户比例。多频客户,APP用户也可以下载程序,他们会在空闲时看到操作。 小程序基本上是关闭的,如果你想不到它,它基本上不会再打开。这也是目前市场上当前优秀的小程序不是太多的主要原因,也导致很多人不看好小程序的关键点,这是非常困难的。


张小龙对小程序的控制是一种紧凑松散的方法。 小程序作为一个新品种,“三岁,大,七岁,老”新事物充满了可能性,腾讯作为父母,他当然希望他能够茁壮成长。但是,个人理解,早期阶段应该更多的是关于“是”和“否”的决定,理性尤为重要,如:插件,诱导转发,赌博,这个时期的决定比较简单。后来的宋是真正的挑战,A方式也行,B方式也行,这次你可以看到小程序团队自己的定位。所以从另一个角度看,前面“紧”相对宽松。在这个阶段,每个主人都可以做出不同的举动并抓住机会。至于小程序,这个孩子将来会“文学”或“学习”。这一次得到确认。后一种松树只是修修补补。






In the Tao Te Ching, the Tao Run raises everything, not according to it. This road is the most basic natural law. Zhang Xiaolong uses the word "tool". Run all things, not all of them – 小程序 only do empowerment, let developers follow the rules to develop themselves, do not regard themselves as the center, nor force developers, how to do, or even guide No action. This principle is like the practice of a previous designer. The best way to plan a path in a park is to plant all the grass. After 2 months, it is the most scientific way to be stepped out. Therefore, Zhang Xiaolong has been doing to provide a very fertile land. As for what kind of vegetation, what kind of flowers, the natural evolution and choices needed for the land. What is certain is that as long as the soil is fertile, it is certain that large species can be cultivated, just waiting for him to appear. This time is precisely when a hundred schools of contention, a place. I believe that it will not be long before, I will often hear the sigh: I can still play like this!


Let's first look at the initial birth process of the 微信 public number. In the PC era, the traffic entry was at APP软件


Search, everyone wants content is through the form of a web page, jumping between pages, relatively quick and easy. With the advent of wireless smartphones, everyone will download the app on their mobile phones, which leads to a big change. Everyone spends more time on several apps in the head. APP is hard to use. 微信 is the oldest APP with the longest retention time. I thought of compressing the long tail APP into myself and becoming a super APP that can carry the APP. This gave birth to the 微信 public number.

xx 微信公共号码的诞生仍然是一个问题,就是现在很多人都注意到微信的公共号码,并不总是用,很多人可能是为了防止遗忘,可以在下次使用时找到,在事实上,许多新闻推动我不愿意接受它。与PC时代的自主网页切换相比,它失去了很多自我选择和自我隐私的权利。这是小程序诞生的初衷。所以微信想要做的是实现除了通过小程序聊天以外的功能,这个过程最好让用户感到非常舒服,不要有怨恨(如果有怨恨,它甚至可能更独特的聊天函数.微信的根。



流。 微信的当前流量可以等于国内网民的数量。在当前流量获取的高成本中,不是花费巨资购买流量,而是将这部分时间用于转换微信自身流量。在制作产品之前,有三个重要问题。您需要问自己:1)如何以合理的方式找到我的目标客户和精确的人。 2)第一批种子用户在哪里切入,这种切入应该像切西瓜,一举看到水,而不是切割很多刀没有改变。 3)他为什么下次让我想起我,然后回来。社会。 微信的整个系统是由社交网络构建的,社会化是所有后续开发的基础。一系列的沟通,促进和裂变应该建立在社会互动的基础上。此外,要掌握每个人社交时间的人类需求,这是因为炫耀和互动;分享因为有趣;因为好处和单打.这足以让他们中的一个。该团队已尽最大努力发展目前数百亿的估值。轻巧而零散。模式越简单,切入点就越好。最好的一个是小程序来解决问题,因此用户在使用它时完全没有负担。在以前的APP的开发中,为了稳定您自己的流量,我们将尽可能多地扩展类别和服务。 小程序应该完全相反,一个函数会做一个小程序,傻瓜可以一目了然,无需解释。根据Joe的说法,大多数人越来越复杂,而且牛只是非常简单地做事。





