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2019-07-13 01:20:15 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


























手动手机号码 - 原型设计草案


除了产品经理的自定义小程序产品功能外,小程序开放平台本身还提供了丰富的集成功能,包括登录/注册组件。平台本身的产品能力是开发更高效,产品更方便用户。 小程序打开几组登录,授权和用户信息接口:



Silent login (wx.login): 汇海微信, direct silent login in the background, the user is unaware, the experience is very good. The premise is that the user's account identity can be located through a certain channel. Basic authorization (wx.getUserInfo): Get the user 沈阳软件 custom


微信 basic information, improve the user information database, and improve the basic image. 微信 mobile phone number authorization (getPhoneNumber): Get the mobile phone number bound by 微信 user, no need to verify the dynamic verification code of the mobile phone. (SMS charges are saved.) UnionID mechanism description: App, public number, 小程序 of the same subject under the same 微信 open platform, if the user has already paid attention to the public number, or has logged in to the App or public number, the user opens 小程序 The developer can obtain the user UnionID directly through wx.login without the user having to authorize again.

Using the open product capability of [微信 mobile phone number authorization] can effectively shorten the user registration path and improve the customer efficiency. Therefore, the user is given priority to give the user login/registration the choice of <微信 mobile phone number authorization> and secondly, the user is provided with the manual input of the mobile phone number entry, which greatly improves the user experience and maximizes the retention of the user, even if there is a little malicious feeling.

In the second phase of product design, the design of the first phase was upgraded. Many 小程序 on the market adopted this login registration mechanism, and we only implemented it as a transition solution, and did not directly implement the landing, and upgraded the second-generation design again. Solution, try to solve systemic problems once and for all. So, there is a third stage of thinking—— Passport fusion.


微信 mobile phone number authorization - prototype design draft


xx 阶段二只简单使用了微信小程序的产品开放能力的一个点,而小程序平台共提供了四个方面的产品能力。经过两次的迭代,我将负责的小程序的账户体系日益完善,形成最符合产品线要求,满足商业需求,满足用户诉求的广场景流程。

一组矛盾:微信开放账户(的OpenID&安培;蚌&安培; 微信手机号),自由账户体系(自有账户)目标用户:新用户(伪新用户),老用户使用场景:快捷登录,静默登录,常规登录,活动推广(助力,拼团等)








XX Silent login (wx.login), UnionID: Users do not need to manually log in manually. The 微信 account system is open to self-holding accounts, which is indispensable for reducing the redundancy of one person and multiple accounts, and the user experience belongs to the upper layer. Basic authorization (wx.getUserInfo): The basic information such as user 微信 nickname and avatar is an important application scenario for marketing promotion activities to participate in role information, and provides reliable identity information support for the activity.

Several 微信 open capabilities involving the account login registration module solve a problem together.—— The location of the user identity, the uniqueness of the account design account (Account) is considered to be fundamental. From the beginning, I was responsible for the 小程序 [login] a definition—— must have a self-sustaining account to be considered a login state. Various accounts (Username) correspond to an account (Account)! Minimize the situation of multiple accounts for one user, do account consolidation at the first time, and multi-level mapping between multiple accounts. I know very well that it is a painful thing for one person to correspond to multiple accounts because I have experienced it.

I remember several articles mentioned before that the product design of the account system is limited to the output of the consciousness level. This time, the invitation of the product manager friend is also an explanation for myself, because I had to re-apply the account of 小程序 very early. Log in to the product process of the registration module. Of course, many friends have left a message saying that most of the articles you have written are partial theory, and can you output some dry goods that are partial to actual combat. Although I have always believed that the output of theoretical experience is more advanced than practice, it is necessary to invest more in-depth thinking time, not just a simple narrative account.

xx This time, the product design process of the 小程序 login registration system combines the multi-party rules of operations, technology, products, and third-party platforms, so that 小程序 has the system-level capability for login registration. It is precisely because of the needs of practice that I am more aware of the value of cognition. If you don't know the prerequisite rules clearly, then what should you do? Of course, this time the product experience is the practice of my personal product ability (technical development is tormented enough.), the scene is too much, it is not easy.

Sometimes, I was asked by the product peers: What kind of work does your company's product manager do? When it comes to product design, it is questioned: Is design not something that interaction designers do? How many interaction designers? The product manager (I) is making the rules, but just draw a picture (prototype map).

I think: product design capability is a system capability, focusing on the whole process and the whole life cycle, not just a single point.


Xiao Wang, everyone is a product manager columnist, 微信 public number: IPMstory. Currently engaged in e-commerce content products, focusing on big data, artificial intelligence, commercial products, good at product management, data analysis, business models. I am a product manager who will live, and I like to organize and cook.

This article was originally published on everyone's product manager. The final interpretation of this article belongs to the author himself and may not be reproduced without permission.

The map is from PEXELS, based on the CC0 protocol



