微信小程序 distribution and 微信 distribution which is better?
With the increasing number of 微信 users, facing such a large user market, it is more and more urgent to do a good user experience. At the beginning of this year, 微信小程序 became the year of the year, and with the function of微信小程序in this year Updates, more and more entrances, let 小程序 usher in new opportunities. So, do you need to develop 小程序 with the public number mall? What is the difference between 小程序 distribution and 微信 distribution? Is it possible to choose 小程序 distribution or 微信 distribution? The following 沈阳汇海 network will share relevant content for everyone.
1. The danger of the title
Compared with 微信小程序, the current 微信 distribution public number distribution is easier to seal than 小程序. Of course, it can be understood that 微信 is currently pushing 小程序, so give as many opportunities as possible and open more conditions.
2. Differences in distribution landings
小程序 distribution landing: distributors on behalf of the parameter 小程序 code, share to friends or groups.
微信 public number distribution: distributors create distribution malls, distribution parameters QR code.
3. Sharing channels
xx 微信公共号码分发可以分享到朋友圈,而小程序分发不能分享给朋友圈,只能分享给朋友的链接,或者通过二维码图片发送给朋友圈,相信这个是许多企业的痛点,虽然会有客户放弃,因为小程序无法分享朋友圈,但小程序的官方位置是为了避开客户,相对会在通信中创建一定的沈阳软件设计