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2019-07-13 02:24:17 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


其实,小程序上线以来,一直不断开放新能力,其中与公众号的关联就占了很大一部分,比如小程序与公众号之间的相互跳转,公众号群发文章支持插入小程序卡片等等。此前, 小程序官方曾对外表示,“小程序和公众号并不是对立面,重要的是可以转化”,这次开放的新能力,也侧面印证了这一说法,总之小程序与公众号的关联越来越紧密了,同时也不得不引人猜想,小程序与公众号彻底打通,或许只是时间问题。

一键授权第三方 实现用户统一管理



XX Weimeng认为小程序对公众号开放,远不止于此。想象一下:在商业公共号码已经是会员,业务的小程序会自动识别您的会员资格;在公共号码推送文章中收到的优惠券,可以在使用小程序在线支付时直接扣除; 小程序中的采购订单您还可以在公共号码中找到公共号码和小程序之间的数据和用户互连。用户以统一的方式管理用户和数据,实现更智能的营销更方便。

小程序+公众号 产生叠加效应

截至2017年3月,微信公共账户数超过1200万。公众号建立了强大的内容生态系统,已成为用户获取信息的主流方式。基于公共号码的可访问性,企业可以与用户和消费者建立联系。良好的沟通机制。 小程序的出现曾使许多新媒体运营商感到困惑。——裕生的生命是什么?有了公共号码,你为什么还要做小程序?

从产品功能的角度来看,小程序具有更强的工具属性。这是一个独立的系统。它可以与公共号码相关联,也可以与公共号码相关联。耗尽和放弃小程序的概念不需要粉丝沉淀。良好的用户体验。 小程序就行了半年,微信不遗余力地推送小程序,这可以从微信的搜索结果中看出:小程序放在第一位,其次是公共号码,朋友圈和文章。

At the same time, a large number of brand merchants are also actively deploying the 小程序 vent. KFC is a typical example. From January 9th, the first batch of 微信小程序 was launched on the KFC 小程序. Recently, the 小程序 ordering subsidy was launched. The KFC public. The 小程序 ordering link is placed in the menu to guide the public fans to order food using 小程序.

In fact, KFC mobile phone ordering (微信 public order, mobile APP) is very mature and perfect, why should we spare no effort to promote 小程序? This is the great commercial value brought by the superposition of "public number +小程序". For the merchants, what is more expected is that the public number produces content, touches fans and users, 小程序 does business services and transactions are realized, and the combination of the two can complete the marketing in the ecosystem of 微信. In the actual operation, if the merchant wants the experience of 小程序 and wants to make the customer become your fan, then you can use the public number as the precipitation of the fans, and the mall, order, introduction, etc. are realized by 小程序. Make a custom menu in the public number, click on it to open 小程序, so that 小程序 and the public number are used together.

赋能商业 还需第三方服务商

In the 微信 ecosystem, 微信 provides more basic capabilities. This "user unified management" is also the interoperability between 小程序 and the public number on the underlying data. More applications based on complex scenarios, such as the interworking of members, orders and payment systems, etc. are also implemented by third-party service providers. 微信 cannot be done one by one. Weimeng is one of the first service providers to participate in the internal testing of this interface. Based on the basic capabilities and open interfaces of 微信, it can be a more suitable solution for industry matching. In the future, even small and medium-sized merchants who do not understand development can realize the seamless connection between their own public number and 小程序.


实际上,在小程序发布之前,公共号码在一定程度上起到了一定的作用。 微信扫描场景下的线路,许多公司已将其用作O2O升级的重要渠道,而Weimeng则作为第三方服务。为没有开发能力的中小企业客户提供基于微信H5的解决方案。但是,与需要跳层的嵌入式H5相比,沈阳软件开发





