Apple prohibits hot updates and 小程序 of 微信
If the Tencent development team also received a hot update warning from Apple, if it is unfortunately targeted at 微信 and QQ, then the next match between Apple and 微信 is better.
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Recently, Apple issued an email to developers who did not meet the requirements of the specification, and banned hot update technology. How about hot update? From the user's point of view, when you are on the shelf, the full functionality of the app has been fixed, and it is impossible to have new features without releasing a new version.
小程序 of 微信 is not a hot update?
From the above definition, you can know if all 小程序 are packaged to 微信 update version 沈阳小程序 development
Inside, it is not a hot update, otherwise it belongs. We know that 小程序 is constantly being updated. There are more 小程序 added to 微信, and some 小程序 are removed from 微信, so it is impossible that 微信 packs all 小程序 into a version of 微信, so it is strict. By definition, 小程序100% of 微信 is a hot update.
Will Tencent succumb to Apple?
It would be almost impossible to modify the 小程序 framework in just a few days. However, Tencent is not likely to give up the iPhone market directly. The biggest possibility is that the two sides sit down and negotiate and come up with a plan that both sides can accept.
Will Apple remove all of Tencent's products?
xx 6月12日,如果收到热门更新提醒的开发人员未提交新版本以删除相关功能,则Apple将返回该版本。基于以上分析,微信肯定有热更新,无法在短时间内更改。如果Apple严格执行规则,它将删除所有腾讯产品。但是,这种情况不大可能发生,因为腾讯的产品对iPhone来说太重要了,腾讯会主动联系苹果提出妥协解决方案,因此双方会妥协,而妥协的结果可能就是腾讯。在整改期间,腾讯不会完全删除所有热门更新,只是象征性地删除一些功能,然后发布更新以给Apple一步。