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How to identify an outsourcing company is not reliable?

2019-07-13 09:54:07 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

It’s snowing: Recently, outsourcing has begun to increase. Students need to be cautious in outsourcing. Our 网站 moderator team is also outsourcing, which is quite reliable, haha.


Now working in a 软件 crowdsourcing company, so I personally know a little about 软件 outsourcing. If you want to find an outsourcing company to develop 网站, app or something, but don't know how to tell if this company is not reliable, I will tell you a few tricks.


Ask a question similar to the following:

"I want to develop a 网站 similar to XX?" "Develop a 小程序 order, how much is it?" "How much is it to develop an app that is exactly the same as XXX?"

At this time, it is time to test this outsourcing company by unreliable!

If this company directly gives a quotation, no matter how the quotation comes out, it is absolutely not reliable!

Regardless of whether it is a large company or a small company, developing a product requires a process of combing the requirements - product prototype - UI design - development - testing and other processes. Therefore, the requirements must be clearly defined before the development, the function of the product is clear, and the development workload and development costs can be clarified.

For example, the common login methods are mobile phone number, email address, third party (microblog, 微信, QQ, know.). Which one or which of these methods are selected? Search function does not support fuzzy search? To what extent is it blurred? What is the information on the product display page? Do you want to classify? Plus no label? These places don't know, how can they report how much?

So reliable companies, they will understand the development needs, and then give a quote. The finer the buckle, the more reliable!


xx Today's outsourcing companies are smart and know that customers like to listen to big brands. When customers ask them what is a well-known success story, the outsourcing company gives some insights, what is the drop, the public comment, Ctrip. It looks really convincing and trustworthy. However, to be honest, big companies are unlikely to find outsourcing. Small projects can be completed by a few people in their own company; why should large projects be outsourced?

In contrast, companies that dare to come up with some unseen success stories to show customers are more honest and trustworthy. In addition, the reliable company website will have the details of the successful case, including the development cycle, price, developers, etc. instead of just hanging a project logo, or give a brief introduction.


The payment method mentioned here does not refer to the payment used, but whether the development is a one-time payment or a phased payment. If you want to develop a product seriously, it is recommended to make the most insurance in stages.

Demand combing costs. Before the development, the demand is still not clear, then the demand will be sorted out first. This part of the work is done by the product manager. This phase is not particularly expensive compared to the entire project. Can be seen as a tentative cooperation, design 软件


This judges whether or not to proceed to the next stage. If you find that this company is not reliable at this stage, you can withdraw in time to prevent funds from being quilted.

Product prototype cost. This part of the work is also done by the product manager. Some companies will combine combing needs with product prototypes, which is acceptable.

Previous product phase outputs include product prototypes, product brain maps, main business flow diagrams, and product requirements documentation. After the product phase is completed, it will enter the subsequent UI design and development.

Some companies require a one-time payment, so be careful at this time. As an entrepreneur, you can propose to pay in stages or pay a part of the fee, and the risk of full payment is high.





