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2019-07-13 12:20:29 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


俺的小程序 1月8日正式开始开发,1月20日提交审核,1月22日被拒,再提,1月24日通过审核正式上线。上线三天,并没有什么太多推广。目前快500位用户登陆,其中50位左右身边朋友,其余多半是因为我挂在“知晓程序”上来的,比我预期的好不少。






这里我先讲个小故事,我很清晰的记得2年前遇到过一个六七十岁白发苍苍的老美程序员,他虽然退休了,他说今天是他的生日,收到了一个很特别的礼物Punch Card。


XX Does it look like an answer sheet? This is what they used for programming in that era, holding a thick piece of paper for the computer to read and run the program. The old man took me and said, do you know what you wrote above? I thought this was a ghost of Nima. Of course, there was a smile of admiration on his face. He said proudly: 'This says, Happy Birthday, I recognized it at a glance, 哼哼'.

I heard this in my heart.


I don’t think I’m a young man but I’m looking down on the old man, but I feel very sad, because after 20 years, most of them will be like this, and a kind of obscured by the times will come.

Years later, when Viagra and his grandson were enjoying the coolness under the grape vines, he would have remembered countless distant winter nights.


The trend of technology is similar to that of fashion, and it is constantly changing. However, there are some differences. The retro fashion will occasionally return to the soul, but the ancient technology will basically die on the beach.


The above picture was last released by a senior American performing artist, Microsoft Distinguished Engineer, and James Whittaker. He said that if you let the developers cool, then you will be cool. (Of course, this person is also very embarrassed, wearing a "Do Epic Shit" T-shirt, so I found that I was not enough epic).

So now it's 小程序. 微信小程序 makes developers very cool, completely native experience, development efficiency is at least 10 times better. There have been many articles on the Internet, and I have attached a few words:

xx 1.发展很快。几天内小程序开放测试版,github上发布了破解的开发工具。一堆人开源小程序。你可能雇用3个人开发半年的一件事是在小程序上出现2周。快速!

2.加载速度快。 微信的上限为1MB。这个概念是什么?谷歌主页是开放的,我也不做,它是527KB下载。我的小程序总共还不到300KB,比Google主页小,所以微信打开一个小程序,就像打开谷歌主页一样简单。事实证明,1MB可以做很多事情!

3.体验它。市场上很多人都把H5页假装成小程序,比如最近的特朗普。很多人不理解。事实上,小程序UI是一个本机应用程序,而不是H5,并且它不像H5那样表现得像本机。 H5和Native App之间的争斗已经存在了很长时间,并且许多尝试使H5像本机应用程序一样实际上很差,例如Cordova,Ionic。它很容易做到,或者它很容易给业务。对于大众消费者来说,卡顿总是让人感到不舒服。后来,FB显示出一条具有反应和反应原生的光线,这与小程序的原理类似。 React Native也有一个与小程序类似概念的初创公司。这只是Facebook拥有技术和流量但却没有。你必须欣赏这个国家的速度。我试过小程序,我应该知道经验非常顺利。

有了这三点,就足够了。事实上,两年后,大多数人都不会开发底层App。基本上,他们会去React Native,因为经验没有那么多差异。在接下来的五年中,AI基于转换的应用应该占据主导地位。许多任务不需要手机(你必须拥有游戏娱乐等视觉效果),你不需要应用程序,就像现在的Alexa Skills一样。例如,看看谁现在还在编写MFC?据估计很多人从未听说过它。


这些是人为限制。 微信现在有很大的优势,敢于制定规则。如果他发现小程序没有达到预期的效果,有些地方会稍微打开吗?让我们说一些简单的事情。例如,带参数的第一个二维代码是10,000,并且在正式发布之前该数字增加了100,000。 微信也是通过摸着石头过河。并在此过程中不断调整游戏的平衡。


微信 is a conspiracy, it is meant to make up for what he lacks, such as group collaboration, such as offline + online. Don't want you to send time (playing games) to 微信. This reminds me of the recent program that Amazon stopped free review. Previously 沈阳小程序 design


Ma Xuan is allowed to give samples and then review the project. Later, it is said that there are too many Chinese sellers. The Chinese people do not know what to do when they go out to sea to sell goods. Simply simply pay for the review. Amazon stopped this program, just want everyone to return to doing a good product.

Zhang Xiaolong, you can see that he is a person with an initial heart. I hope everyone can do something about make the world a better place. Rather than simply grabbing the user's attention.

If I do, to make the world a little better, then I will be satisfied. Please see my expression



Give a small goal for 2017

Learning 小程序, there are already a lot of tutorials, choose a few to release, I will not go into details. However, there are a lot of online materials, and it’s a mess. I have a few more recommended ones to talk about

微信 official:

1. The official tutorial, the official tutorial and introduction is still good, many things that do not understand are seen on this. The introductory tutorial can be seen a few more times, and the API and components will be used when they are used. The 小程序 sample source code on the home page can be downloaded, very good reference.

2.WeUI style, 微信 design team's own design style, very useful, often do not know how to design, or their layout is very ugly, I will first look at this.

xx 3.快速开发原型,快速开发原型,以及非常轻量级的模板,以帮助您快速入门。


