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What are the advantages of short domain registration?

2019-07-10 15:44:52 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

When we build 网站, we need to register the domain name to enable users to access 网站. At present, many people register domain names will prefer to choose short domain names, and even some large companies will spend a lot of money to buy short domain names owned by others. What is the reason why short domain names will be so popular, and what are the advantages of short domain names?


Below汇海科技for everyone to explain!

Domain registration


Have you found out that some large 网站 short domain names, you can easily remember it, because the human brain is easier to remember for simple things, so short domain names mean less memory costs. For 网站, it will also be beneficial, because it can be remembered by more users, so many companies will do short domain registration when building 网站, if conditions permit.



There may be many second-level domain names and third-level domain names under a domain name. If the server needs to resolve all secondary and tertiary domain names under the domain name, then 沈阳微信小程序


At this time, the benefits of short domain names will be more obvious. Because the server needs to detect every character in the domain name and then parse it, then the user can access the page, then the shorter the domain name, the access speed will of course be faster.


xx 需要提升网站,因此在升级过程中可以使用域名。有时在网站或搜索引擎中,显示内容的字符数有字数限制,超出后会显示省略号。然后,短域名将受到字符数的影响,并且更容易向用户显示整个域名。






