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网站 secure domain name pan-parsing processing and protection
I believe that many people have encountered the problem of 网站 being over-analyzed and maliciously exploited. What should I do if I encounter such a problem? Let's share some experience and troubleshooting.
1. What is domain name panning?
Simply put, domain name pan-parsing is to open the sub-domain resolution service with *, a large number of sub-domain flooding. For example, the main domain name is abc.com to open N multiple 1.abc.com, 2.abc.com, 3, abc.com, XXX.abc.com. These subdomain names are random and are used maliciously as illegal sites. Example: site: kewatt.com.cn A large number of useless spam domain names have been illegally used in illegal industries. 网站 secure domain name pan-analysis processing and protection Domain name pan-analysis case Domain name pan-analysis case, so we often use the site command to query whether their 网站 has been illegally used and processed in time. When Baidu recognizes it as illegal spam, the main 网站 is not far from punishment. 2. How to deal with domain names being panned? How to deal with this method of general analysis? More difficult to handle. Because the second-level domain name does not point to its own 网站, independent of the main 网站, the only way is to close the pan-parsing, that is, the domain name service with the star *. Go to your domain name management center and find a deletion with *. It is the most basic practice to modify the domain name account password to improve security awareness. After turning off the parsing, these included site information can't be deleted immediately, and you can't submit a dead link (not your own control). You can only send a snapshot to Baidu and ask Baidu to delete these non-open spam sites. This is a long waiting process.3. If you evade domain name malicious attacks?
Since it cannot be deleted, it is essential to prevent it.
xx 以下建议:1。经常使用SITE命令查询包含状态,并及时查找大量包含异常。 2,域名管理账号信息不能让第二人知道,让人维护和分析。 3,选择一个可靠的域名服务提供商,找不到不可靠的域名提供商来托管。 4,域名添加多级安全秘密安全认证,不要沈阳软件开发我觉得这个过程很麻烦,账户越复杂,越安全。数据是无价的。我希望每个人都会更加关注安全问题而不要小心。 汇海 Technology是领先的综合性软件和信息服务公司,为客户提供从软件开发到营销和推广的互联网解决方案,旨在成为业界领先的全链信息技术服务提供商。公司与中国移动,平安银行,南方数字,北大青鸟,西门子等行业巨头进行了全面深入的战略合作。深入涉足汽车,金融,电子商务,农业,教育等重点行业,不断开拓全国市场,为客户提供全方位的连锁服务。优质,高效,技术服务,综合优势和行业特色。武汉哪家公司做网站?武汉哪家公司做网站?哪家公司是网站?武汉着名的网站建设公司?武汉的武汉网站生产企业有哪些?武汉网站外包?武汉软件开发公司?什么app开发,微信开发,武汉系统开发公司?如果您有这样的需求,请联系汇海技术,财富热线:027-86633307,我们将以专业的服务态度做到每一个需要,这是我们的目标,使每一个需要到极致!