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Foreign trade production 网站 to consider which

2019-07-11 15:21:53 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

 Making 网站 is to let your own 网站 search volume, then everyone will think about ranking issues such as keywords at the beginning of making 网站. In many cases, some people think that the construction of foreign trade 网站 does not need to think about this point. In fact, the construction of foreign trade 网站 also needs to think about this and can negotiate with users. The production needs to be adjusted according to the user's collective, and the foreign trade-oriented enterprises mostly use English-based 网站, and now the company 网站, can be made into a bilingual version, which is also a key point to consider. If 网站 is not in line with the browsing habits of foreign users, it is a problem to be considered. Many programs that create 网站 for foreign trading companies translate a certain program in China, and there are problems from framework to grammar. And the browsing habits of foreign customers are different from those in China. If you don't study the habits of foreign users, it is very inconvenient for customers to use them.1-1ZF511221A41.jpg To see which countries the company's users are mainly concentrated in, where people are more than one server location is placed there. The customer involved is opening the production 软件


xx 一个网站的速度问题,这个空间通常放在国外,一般来说,英文外贸网站放在用户附近。对于海外市场,浏览器的使用通常与我们的浏览器的使用不同。在为外贸制作网站时,公司应考虑浏览器兼容性问题。否则,将不会加载网站信息。它越来越成为海外市场推广的关键。由于它是外贸网站,所以肯定有必要使用外来空间,这样用户打开速度快,可能说访问速度慢,这个问题确实存在,但只要解释清楚。由于时差条件,工作时间和外国用户的工作时间表将不可避免地存在一定的误差。要进行外贸网站,您可以考虑设置一些常见问题部分来解决客户的一些常见问题。1-1ZF5112229221.jpg


