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1, and your 网站 main keyword (home keyword) can be written, but there is a premise, these articles must be original, that is to say, there are no articles elsewhere on the network, of course, this original is also relative, We know that Chinese language is very subtle. There are many kinds of sayings in one sentence. I believe that you understand what I am talking about! So original articles can be a meaning, but others say this, we will say that, the content of the article Don't be exactly the same, but you can't copy it in the original, so it doesn't mean anything, because don't think that the search engine is a fool! 2, original articles, but also original titles, such as: Taobao's most popular women's suits, others Such a title, we can write: the annual Taobao women's suits are the most popular, such a title is relatively new, I just give an example, you have to measure how to write yourself! In addition, say, how To see if the title of this article is original, we can think about the keywords first, then go to Baidu. Now, what is the relevance of the title you want to write, if you find the same, then you can change it by writing a title or writing another way! This is very good for originality! 3, The inner chain of the article, we must pay attention to, we want to link is the keyword we want to optimize the ranking, for example, the demo station that I will show you, the article after the station of the mountaineering bag, as long as there is the word mountaineering bag, And for the first time, we can add the anchor text to the home page, which is to tell the search engine that our home page is the webpage for the information about the mountaineering bag.xx
具体如何链接,我们将在yy中解释! 4,或文章标题,tittie,这对SEO来说太重要了,我不得不说,其实我们SEO最重要的因素之一是网站标题,可以说是一篇文章的标题,这就是我们要优化的部分,每个页面都有第一个没有标题,并且与网站的主题相关,那么每个页面都是单个个体,我们也可以优化,同样会有排名,所以回来后,标题为这篇文章是我们想要优化的一些长尾词,长尾词是什么?它与我们的网站主关键字(home关键字)一致,具有一定的扩展意义。话说,客户可能会如何搜索,根据客户的搜索习惯使用我们设置的一些网站相关词,这类文章标题的威力是巨大的!后者的优化将非常简单! 6,关键词密度,什么是关键词密度?举一个简单的例子,例如,我们的网站是单词“women”,然后是ERP系统
在我们的文章中,“女装”这个词的频率密度是关键词密度!一般来说,关键字的密度应控制在2%和—— 8%之间,这样会更好。如果它超过,它将被搜索引擎认为是作弊!也就是说,我们说优化过度了! 7,文章中的图片:一般来说,在文章中添加图片时要注意的事情是,a,添加此图片的alt标签,当我们的服务器出现问题,或者某人的网速非常慢,这张图片无法显示,图片下方会有一个文字说明!这对搜索引擎很友好,它也有助于搜索引擎抓取你的网站在图片中! b,注意图片的大小,这样会提升我们的用户体验和网站的专业性! 8,使用文章标签,标签这个东西,不用说,用过wp等开源程序的人都知道这个搜索引擎关键词排名有这个非常重要的辅助功能!但是仍然需要注意的是,这些标签在使用时应该使用。多样性,可扩展性,这也是一个很好的使用最好的! 9,文章适当添加更多标签,nofollow标签和_blank标签,要灵活,使用!更多标签的作用是增加我们的网站 Pv,nofollow是当我们挂起广告或我们网站中的一些分散的外部链接时,我们尝试nofollow,以便我们的网站的重量是一种保护! _blank标签是实现弹跳预约,保持我们自己的网站不跳,在写文章时非常有用!