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A lot of 网站 focus on innovation in design, but neglects a very important thing, is to make their own 网站 simpler, this design is often more able to make 网站 come out, which will bring benefits to the whole company. Therefore, making a simple and effective code should be something we need to pay attention to. Only our 网站 makes it convenient for us to retain more browsing users for our 网站. In addition to a lot of innovations, we must pay attention to a simple framework design of 网站, such a design can certainly play a role in promoting the subsequent 网站 promotion. 网站 framework should be simple and clear, the center is clear, navigation should be designed reasonably, the core information is placed on the upper left side of 网站, this place search engine web crawler likes to crawl first, customers also like to watch. Make the 网站 framework clear, the layout should be reasonable, reject the lengthy code, reject a lot of js scripts and flash animations, this will affect the access speed of 网站, the column settings should be clear and easy to see, so that users can browse clearly. A 网站 scrolling is already available. The layout of the web page should follow a principle of “first up, down, first left and right”. Since the search engine is performing a search, the order of its search is the same as the order in which we browse the page, that is, the principle described above. Following this principle will help search engines crawl important information about the page. Since the search engine web crawler is crawling the page code directly to get the information. The purpose of making 网站 is to make web spiders crawl through the web without any effort. Of course there is no good way to control the search engine, but there are ways to change the page.xx
熟悉网页代码html的编写,掌握w3c标准是SEOers需要掌握的基本知识。当然,如果有一个页面编程基础,那就更好了!在制作网站的过程中,标签的使用也非常特殊,通常遵循以下原则:1)保持良好的分层框架。应根据标签本身的用途使用h1h2h3等标签。例如,h1标签表示网页的主标题,并且只能在网页中使用一次。在一些具有较高权重的标签中,合理地整合关键字,例如h1,强标签和其他标签。 css名称符合某些规范,较长的名称以驼峰类型命名,沈阳软件公司
如.tophead。代码务必做到简洁,禁止使用代码生成工具制作网页。代码在实现基本的框架,样式,和行为分离的基础上,还要做到可用,精简,有序而且符合SEO代码规范。 网站js结构选用jquery,全部脚本尽量封装到一个包内.网站flash调用代码务必保证浏览器兼容性,这些结构问题都要在制作中要先行规划.XX