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2019-07-11 16:34:13 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

在做英文构造网站时,必须要了解一些细节,例如,它的整体风格不能太花哨或太复杂,尽可能容易可视化,因为它可以表达但是,网站的目的,在事实上,具有大气的特点,可以使整个页面看起来非常简洁。在过滤字体之前,首先要观察图像中的形态特征。如果图片由插图表示,则插图中的样式细节以及样式指示的年表和氛围将被提供给筛选其匹配的字体的基础。例如,英语中的serifoid体更现代,并且衬线体更经典。不要以为你现在不需要过多关注搜索引擎。 URL中也有一定的含义。通常您选择使用自己的网站或品牌嵌入沈阳小程序。


URL entered. The URLs are clear and easy to understand, and these places are all to be known. According to the survey, the English fonts selected by most foreign trade malls 网站 are in Chinese, which is what we need to know. Need to think about the choice of English fonts.1-1Z5051053262O.jpg Don't use the combination of Pinyin and English. The current search engine technology doesn't really understand the meaning of such a URL. Because there are few English and Pinyin combinations in the search engine database. A 网站 can't be composed of pages. It has a lot of sub-pages. In order to make these pages effectively connected, you must give the page a concise and easy-to-remember name. This helps you manage the page and name the page. When using a lowercase English letter that is commonly used or that matches the content of the web page, this is directly related to the connection on the page. The most common and common way is to use the English name of 网站 to do the logo. The use of different fonts, the deformation of letters and the combination of letters can make a logo of 网站. The description of the picture name has advantages for the industry. Of course, if some English letters are used to mark pictures with Chinese Pinyin, it is worth noting that many systems will rename when uploading pictures.1-1Z505105341963.jpgxx


