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What are the advantages of micro mall system development

2019-07-12 12:09:09 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The micro-smart system is a micro-distribution platform built on 微信, which helps traditional enterprises break the traffic monopoly of large-scale e-commerce and turn 微信 users into potential customers of micro-mall. Marketing functions such as distribution and return points in the micro-smart system enable the mall to quickly socialize

微商城系统is a micro-distribution platform built on 微信, which helps traditional enterprises break the traffic monopoly of large-scale e-commerce and turn 微信 users into potential customers of micro-shopping. The marketing functions such as distribution and return points in the micro-sales system enable the mall to quickly realize online and offline all-round fission marketing through social relationships, helping enterprises to quickly enter the era of mobile e-commerce. Below 汇海 Xiaobian and everyone introduced, what are the advantages of micro-smart system development.



1. Lock the pusher: visualize the distribution management and control, view each distribution node in detail, and push customers to expand the circle of contacts.

2, make full use of social resources: micro-Mall system with omni-channel promotion, full staff distribution, the first circle theory, employees, fans, friends, customers randomly switch.

3, commission distribution mechanism: the distributor sets the commission for each product, through different 软件开发


Members recommend buying, inspiring users to repeat consumption.

4. Operational data analysis: Sales data, access data, and conversion data are under control, and marketing strategies are adjusted in real time based on data feedback.

5, online and offline full line distribution: Micro Mall system can open a dual distribution model, create a three-dimensional distribution network, gather offline resources, to achieve a double increase in the number of distributors and performance.


1. Low-cost operation of the micro mall system

xx 控制成本是促销中遇到的常见问题。如果成本太高,则意味着投资风险高,低成本和高回报是每个商家的理想选择。微商城系统操作通过微信资源分配,这是许多分销商开始低成本业务的方式。







汇海微商城系统开发,使用促销佣金,分销佣金两种现金返还方式,鼓励用户自发成为经销商,帮助推广商城,裂变新用户注意和消费,达到新推广效果,推动客户。有关Micro Mall系统的更多信息,请关注微信公共号码:汇海(ID:xtz170315)和汇海官方网站。


