现在很多电子商务公司都开发了小程序商场,例如唯品会,Mondo,Mushroom Street,京东等,但对于刚刚进入市场的公司来说,推广小程序商城已经成为当务之急。 汇海小编看看,小程序商城运营的三个应用场景是什么?
小程序 is a lightweight application. “Ready to go” is the initial focus of 微信 to promote 小程序. For operations or product roles, 小程序 provides simpler products and richer operational gameplay.
In summary, there are currently 3 main scenarios for 小程序:
1. APP功能的平台迁移
Regardless of whether it is the operation of the public number or the development of 小程序, the company has invested in the 微信 rich ecology, which is worth the traffic of 微信. It is difficult for APP products to be “cheap” from 微信 (except for Tencent’s investment), 小程序 has become an APP project. The best channel into 微信.
Take Tongcheng Tourism as an example: Make the “scheduled” function in APP to 小程序. The main interface of 小程序 is the entrance of booking hotel, ticket or hotel ticket, which simplifies the complicated function of APP main interface.
2. 公众号变现玩法的落地平台
For the public operator, 小程序 can provide a series of applications such as games, e-commerce, tools, etc. and is easy to develop, does not require high-cost development teams, can be implemented using open source templates, and provides public content content entrepreneurs. The channel of "realization".
To operate an dry goods OA system
Take the community as an example, the course in the community has been moved to 小程序. Compared with the platform sold through "thousands of chats", the advantage is that the interaction of 小程序 inserting pictures is more friendly and the jump path is shorter.
3. 线下门店的线上商城
小程序 just entered the line when the entrance is mainly "小程序 code", followed by a series of entries such as public number, drop-down menu. As can be seen from the 小程序 code, 小程序 is very important for offline scenes.
xx 离线商店通过小程序打开在线商店。使用服务号码,您可以实现“轻量级”在线商店(服务号码可以向用户发送模板消息),以及LBS附近的小程序,带来离线商店。引流。
有关小程序 Mall操作的更多信息,请注意公共号码微信:汇海(ID:xtz170315)和汇海官方网站。