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What are the functions of the 微信 distribution system

2019-07-12 13:03:29 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In recent years, people have become more and more keen on the use of 微信, so there is a word called micro-business, which is to say that the business is selling on 微信, the business opens a shop on 微信, sells its own things. Need to pass some marketing methods. It’s like me

In recent years, people have become more and more keen on the use of 微信, so there is a word called micro-business, which is to say that the business is selling on 微信, the business opens a shop on 微信, sells its own things. Need to pass some marketing methods. It's as if we are looking for a job, we need to be like our interviewer to sell ourselves, and this marketing method is called distribution system on 微信.


First, there are many ways to promote 微信 distribution system

微信分销系统The first is based on the fact that our products are real, through our circle of friends and their ERP systems


He shares it with our consumers, and then consumers share it with more consumers. This distribution system is done through the sharing between friends and friends. We know that as consumers, we will not believe More advertising, but will believe in our friends, which invisibly adds trust to the goods.

Second, the distribution level

For the level of 微信 distribution system, it is as if our physical store opened a lot of branches is the same, the difference is that this is a marketing model implemented on 微信, therefore, businesses that open stores on 微信 want to put themselves When the goods are sold, there will be more distributors, more distributors will be generated through the distributors, and the word distribution level will appear. The final merchant is to give different levels of distributors through rebates.






