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A multi-level three-tier distribution system to expand profitability

2019-07-12 14:50:21 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

As we all know, in the process of selling goods, in order to increase the sales volume and sales speed, merchants often choose the most efficient marketing model, and the three-level distribution system is a typical representative. At present, many brands have chosen this sales model to reach the layer

As we all know, in the process of selling goods, in order to increase the sales volume and sales speed, merchants often choose the most efficient marketing model, and the three-level distribution system is a typical representative. At present, many brands have chosen this sales model to achieve the ultimate goal of profitability. However, the current use of this model on a large part of the platform requires a fee, and only a small number of platforms are completely free.


Specifically, because the size of the business cannot be generalized, the specific operation process of三级分销系统is different, but the method of “one divides into two” is always adopted, that is, each level of distributors develops two levels of independence. Distributor. So who is the commission for sales? Here, the system uses the principle of “who sells who is profitable”, that is, the specific seller is a vested interest, and the commissions for each sales level are completely proportional. This means that distributors at all levels can split wirelessly as needed.

In addition, the distributors at the upper level can also set the profit ratio at the subordinate level. Of course, as an upper-level seller, when you get the commission for the goods you sell, you can also get a part of the commission from the sub-distributor, which is what people usually call "promotion commission." However, the source of this commission is not unlimited, but the regulations are only three levels, and the third level or above cannot be obtained.

All in all, this three-level distribution system can not only expand the income of the benefits, but also establish a positive image of its own brand products and enhance the commodity ERP system


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