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2019-07-12 21:22:43 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

小程序's three-level distribution logic is still not understood, and some businesses worry that the third-level distribution is illegal, fear, fear will be brought together with MLM, so in order to alleviate the concerns of the business, so that businesses can use the distribution function of 小程序 with peace of mind Xiaobian can only talk about it again. This time, the small series focuses on what is the situation of the three-level distribution of 小程序, which is described in detail below.2-1ZFR11915F3.jpg 小程序 Is the three-level distribution legal? Super detailed explanation! 1. What is three-level distribution? Three-level distribution refers to a business model in which companies or brands engage in the distribution of distributors in the form of three-level benefits. Each level of distributors can develop two levels in the past. Distributors, at the same time enjoy the corresponding benefits, each distributor's lower or lower level to buy goods, superior or upper-level distributors can get different proportions of promotion commission. The promotion commission is three levels. The legal regulations of our country are not more than four. If the level is more than four, it will be classified as pyramid scheme, and pyramid scheme is illegal. The logical relationship between the second and third-level distribution? The current three-level distribution implements the last three-level rebate mechanism, that is, the distribution that can bring the purchase behavior is the first-level distributor, which is the direct distribution of interest, we record as the distributor. F. F's upper-level distribution E is a secondary distributor, and similarly, D is a third-level distributor. Merchants have developed N multi-distribution, for example. Someone bought the goods from the distributor F, then F got the first-level commission, the E-level commission, the D-level commission, and the former distributors C, B, and A had no relationship with this, and they could not get the commission. The difference between the third- and third-level distribution and the pyramid scheme? 1. The number of layers is different. The three-level distribution has a maximum of three layers. Each distributor has only three layers of fission, and the pyramid scheme is multi-layered or even infinite. 2. The promotion commission of the third-level distribution is within a reasonable range, that is to say, the pricing of the enterprise is in line with the market rules, and the price of the products of the pyramid scheme is generally higher than the market rules. The more the commission is at the top of the pyramid. 3. The starting point is different. The starting point of MLM is to illegally obtain benefits.xx 三层分销是公司开拓市场选择的典范。公司将建立一个全面的管理系统来连接客户忠诚度。 4,内容不同,传销基本上没有产品,即使有产品是那些价格高且没有实际意义的产品(如三个未经认证的老年人保健品等)。三级分销是从产品中获得的一种销售形式。无论是批发还是销售都是正常的过程,没有产品或价格的产品。 5沈阳小程序生产


获得金钱的方式是不同的。传销主要是指收取佣金的人数,以及收取佣金的人数越高。第三层分销是通过代理销售产品来委托的,这是通过销售产品实现的。 6,门槛不同,MLM是一定的报名费,企业三级分配的门槛不会设置得太高,也不需要支付任何会员费。 7,本质不同,MLM是一种欺骗手段,而三级销售只是一种销售模式


