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2019-07-12 21:49:01 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

经过两年多的快速发展,小程序已经实现了许多功能。 2016年1月11日,微信的父亲张小龙提出了“微信小程序”的概念。 2016年9月21日,微信小程序正式开启测试版。 2016年11月3日,官方测试版正式开放。 2017年1月9日,微信第一批小程序正式启动。迷你游戏于2017年12月28日开放。目前,小程序已实现消息通知,离线扫描码和公共号码关联等功能。2-1Z30R13133110.jpg I. 小程序比app有几个优点,用户规模正在爆炸式增长。用户同比增长率高达96.30%。用户规模2017年8月,它超过1.5亿人,目前有近4亿人。根据艾瑞咨询的数据,它将在2020年达到10亿用户。二,小程序功能:轻量级操作受青睐用户频率和支付率高小程序使用特点:轻量级操作频率高且愿意支付。 1)添加程序的用户数量很大。根据数据,2017年,微信小程序用户增加了小程序超过20%,分别占11.8%,11-20%,15.7%,6-10,42.1%和5或更低,30.4。 %。 2)平均用户频率更高。根据数据,2017年,用户微信小程序使用的平均值为微信小程序,第一周达到37.5次,第二周达到24.2次,第三周达到12.6次,第四周达到7.8次。 3)用户更愿意付费。 According to the data, the user's payment situation is mostly concentrated at 200-1000 yuan, the proportion of users spending 201-500 yuan is 35.9%, and the proportion of users spending 500-1000 yuan is 34.7%. 3, 小程序 retention rate to be improved 3 ways to improve user precipitation 小程序 concept is "run out", as an ecological flow entry, its retention rate is low, 7-day retention rate to 3% or so, and increase the user retention rate of 小程序 There are three ways to do this. 1) Push the offer information to attract “return customers”. By pushing the coupon information and other preferential information, the customer is attracted to the secondary consumption as a repeat customer and the payment conversion rate is increased. Among them, the daily use of 小程序 fan interactive management system, push coupons to users, the retention rate increased from 2.7% to 10.53%, the coupon usage rate increased from 5.3% to 12.7%, and the paid conversion rate increased from 3.3% to 9.8%; 2) Big data data analysis, precision marketing. 微信 officially provided "小程序 Data Assistant" can provide open user data, initially establish user portraits, carry out precise marketing to improve user experience and retention rate; 3) Rely on social sharing and other functions to precipitate on their own APP. 小程序 combined with the public number content, push messages and friends circle to open and convert each other, the retention rate increased by 30%. Friends circle and group share 小程序 activities and pages, 软件开发

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