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The day before yesterday, because of the coincidence, I need to try to do the public number development. Before that, I have always heard about the development of the public number, but I have never really touched it, but I understand that the development of the public number should be mostly PHP. But PHP I won't, no way, just hard. So, looking at the various materials, I don't know how many Google pages I opened, I wrote various demos, tried various methods, and then I felt that I was almost the same, I bought the server, set up the environment, and then used Linux when configuring the server. It is a toss. It can be said that it is really starting from scratch. From one to many is not difficult, the difficulty is from zero to one, but fortunately, after a day of hard work, finally got it, it is an introduction, now my public number can automatically identify your text messages and voice messages, In fact, I feel that I can still do a lot of things, but I really feel tired and I didn't do it. Because I feel a lot of knowledge, I need to stop and do a good job. In fact, after doing this, I really have a sense of accomplishment. I can do this. What I want to thank is the self-learning ability that I have cultivated for a long time!公众号开发公司On the road of technology, self-study is really important. The road ahead is still very long. I am willing to go with you. PS: Because the public number is currently connected to the third-party server, the message you reply to will be transferred to the third-party server for processing and then give a response. Therefore, I see that many people in the background respond to the keyword to obtain the data, which is currently unavailable. tomorrow will solve this problem! Here are some good public numbers to recommend! 1. Name of the public: Android Motor Vehicle This is an attitude-oriented technology club, focusing on quality, insisting on originality, sharing technology while sharing life feelings and sharing workplace experience. Almost all of the articles here come from the hands of high-level workers in the first-line manufacturers to help you learn most effectively.xx 他们技术硬还不死板喜爱文艺还喜欢交朋友,快快加入我们一起整起来! 2. 公众号名称: 爱姗工作室 这是一个资源集合中心,这里有软件资源、视频教程、技术资源视频、技术文章及面试题。包括java技术文章、其他相关类文章,同时还有java及SQL面试题目。每天定时推送干货,衬托您的高度,增加您的广度~在这里,您将遇到更好的自己,期待您的加入! 3. 一个自学的程序员 学习是最简单的,难得是记忆和运用,在这里,我推荐系统化学习,不定时分享原创java教程笔记,全部整理成PDF供你下载学习,偶尔会推荐几款神器,保你喜欢!一个自学的程序员,在app开发xxxx
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