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What are the advantages of social e-commerce?

2019-07-12 22:31:04 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

What are the advantages of社交电商? First of all, what we need to know is what is social e-commerce? Social e-commerce is based on the concept of 'useful, interesting and good'. It mainly selects high-quality, authentic and rich for young fashion groups. Fashion products, cultural creativity, beauty care and imported snacks; in China 微信 is a typical representative of social e-commerce. Next, let's take a look at the advantages of social e-commerce with Xiaobian.


1. Go to the center to get a guest

Whether Taobao or Jingdong, it is a centralized platform, traffic is built on the search scene, and access to users is very limited.—— Low-cost or paid promotion. The social e-commerce based on the network of people, the way to get customers is more free, no need to worry about closing the store without saying a word.

2. High operational efficiency

The consumption logic of the traditional e-commerce platform is——. The user generates demand → open the application search shopping, and the social e-commerce is based on 微信, which can reach the user at any time. The mode becomes——. The active access user → user consumption, the business has the initiative to operate. Improve the efficiency of operations.

3. More marketing methods

In addition to the basic social sharing, in the 微信 ecosystem, the vertical content can be realized with the public number, and the 小程序-based plug-in can be designed as 沈阳小程序


Force, can also achieve a variety of marketing methods such as grouping, bargaining, lottery, distribution, etc. based on social connections to create a comprehensive marketing system.

4, reach the crowd of people

xx 从战斗的成功不难看出,被电子商务平台忽视的“五环”人也有巨大的消费潜力。淘宝有5亿用户,而微信活跃用户近11亿,社交电子商务基于微信。帮助商家到达三线和四线城市甚至乡镇用户。



