Micro-distribution: How traditional enterprises transform the Internet
The entire business history has been rewritten again, from product and technology to management, and then from management to customer connectivity and customer service. The addition of the Internet has made the user's consumption migration behavior more and more uncertain. How can companies find users? How can I get the fastest match with the most inaccurate users?
The target customers of the enterprise are no longer caught as before, but a radish and a pit. The fight is accumulation, the hard power is hard, the solid and strong execution enterprises will gradually stand out, and the era of a new era has already passed. Development needs to understand this.
The user's whereabouts are uncertain. Where can I find the target customers of the company? Out of the traditional group gathering, the circle has become a similar existence. Various groups, interest groups, forums, and circle of friends have become independent "pits." After the enterprise finds these target customers, how do you form a single connection?
The water is not rotted, and the hub is not shackled. No industry can continue to grow up without any change. As a retailer, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the industry. It is necessary to understand the development process, to think deeply, to understand the location of the industry, and to clearly understand the relevant business. The development of the company is more important to predict the future and accurately predict the future development of the industry. This is the basis for long-term strategic planning. For now, the biggest factor affecting the future of the traditional retail industry is the Internet.
xx 传统零售商不能总是遵循自己熟悉的规则。互联网已经发展成为一个大型的生态环境,提供水,电和煤等基本必需品。互联网将彻底改变我们的生活,尤其是年轻人的生活。随着主流生活习惯的变化,超市行业也将被互联网所改变。
上面采取的措施似乎与互联网没什么关系,但如果你从本质上看它,正是由于互联网的发展,电子商务行业的快速发展,以及电子商务的发展。 - 电子商业已经导致了传统企业的发展。丢失。传统零售业开始从线下商店调整,引发一系列变化。
互联网时代传统零售商的选择讨论了互联网如何影响水和电等商业生态系统。互联网影响零售业态是长期和渐进的。 PC互联网时代,移动互联网时代,虚拟现实时代和人工智能时代都已建立。在互联网的基础上,随着电力的出现,电灯,广播,电影和电视逐渐出现,每一件新事物都给社会带来了巨大的变化。了解互联网,控制未来趋势,建立互联网直觉是新零售商必须做的事情。