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2019-07-12 23:25:04 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


大多数电缆制造商的产品保质期为15年。在此期间,变化是不可避免的,无法准确预测。唯一的解决方案是规划网络以满足网络变化和增长的要求。 (1)未来投资保护在正常使用条件下,新网络不应限制15年建筑改造周期内的系统升级。精心设计的布线系统可以承受比大多数LAN传输速率多10到15倍的数据流量。这将允许在不改变布线系统的情况下使用新的网络技术。1-1PHG2334Q24.png(2)通用布线系统通用布线系统的主要优点是用户可以使用它来访问不同供应商的设备。它还允许用户在同一个布线网络上运行多个独立的系统。例如,用户可以在布线系统上构建应用程序开发


Establish systems such as telephone, computer and environmental control. (3) Structure of wiring General wiring and massive wiring are the core contents of structured wiring. Lucent Technologies (formerly AI&T) and its SYSTIMAXSCS solution are pioneers in this respect. It uses an open architecture platform that supports all major private and non-dedicated network standards and protocols. SYSTIMAXSCS uses UTP cable and fiber optic cable as the transmission medium, and uses a star topology to terminate with a standard socket. SYSTIMAXSCS uses a simple cable type that is modular in its network and can be easily extended or changed without affecting user usage. (4) Network components The patch panels in each building or group of buildings are used to implement fast access or withdrawal of computers, peripherals, network hubs and other devices. It saves a lot of money in companies that are constantly adjusting their structure and layout.xx


