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What else do you know about the micro-distribution system?

2019-07-13 01:37:03 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信 social relationship makes 微信 a new e-commerce channel, as the most active monthly social app, the bonus and traffic advantage has attracted many merchants to develop micro-distribution systems, and businesses involving 微信小程序 mall and micro-smart are also joined. Melon

微信 social relationship makes 微信 a new 沈阳小程序 production


An e-commerce outlet, as the most active application social app in the month, the bonus and traffic advantage attracted many merchants to develop micro-distribution systems, involving 微信小程序商and micro-mart merchants also joined the social dividend market. The following 汇海 Xiaobian mainly analyzes with you, and what are the characteristics of the micro-distribution system that you don't know? I hope to eliminate the doubts about micro distribution for merchants.



Traditional media propaganda is usually costly and laborious, and the micro-distribution system has a fast fission and a wide range of dissemination. It does not require the merchants to have strong financial resources as a support. The rules and gameplay of micro-distribution are easier to understand.


Basically, all users of the micro-distribution mall can apply to become distributors, because as long as users apply for distributors, they will automatically generate their own independent posters QR code, less application process, fewer steps, faster, only need to be in the micro mall According to the application process, if you apply successfully, you can quickly establish contact with the merchant and start your own distribution profit.


xx 微观分布主要依靠微信社交关系的推广,推广和传播在朋友圈和微信群,朋友圈中的朋友和客户相互促进,品牌的信任和商誉继续增加销售增长产品。







