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Share: 微信小程序 development price and maintenance price?

2019-07-13 01:50:09 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

小程序 business opportunity is in the dividend period, in the future offline scene, 小程序 will bring more profit opportunities for the business, while the function of 小程序 mall is constantly updated and iterative, more and more users will use it. 微信小程序's powerful traffic acquisition capability

小程序 business opportunity is in the dividend period, in the future offline scene, 小程序 will bring more profit opportunities for the business, while the function of 小程序 mall is constantly updated and iterative, more and more users will use it. 微信小程序's powerful ability to obtain traffic has caused many companies to compete for development. Enterprise businesses use 小程序 to divert traffic and eventually realize traffic. So微信小程序What is the development price and maintenance price? 汇海 Xiaobian and everyone to share.


The average 小程序 average development cycle is about 2 weeks. The average development cycle for a complete dual-platform app is almost two months.

So whether it is a physical business or an e-commerce practitioner, if you want to develop a 微信小程序 mall, you must first know the cost of 微信小程序商城?


To put it simply, the icons and logos in your 小程序 will be made by the general merchant.


Including the front-end and the back-end Generally, what functions to implement? If it is a simple enterprise display 网站 program is very cheap at 1000RMB, Mall 小程序 generally does not provide source code is based on the annual fee price in the ERP system

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2000-10000RMB /年(此价格不排除提供商,但不包括服务器和其他费用)!








如果公司有认证服务号码,则免费。 300元/年没有认证服务号码。如果它是个人制作小程序免费,个人小程序审查更严格,功能更少。

因此,商家固定费用为小程序=1000 + 600 + 5 + 300=1905元/年。



