微信小程序提高用户保留率的最常用方法是感受模板消息的存在。 微信小程序开发规范提到,当用户完成付款或在小程序内提交表单时,开发人员可以在7天内将有限数量的模板消息推送给用户。我试图通过高频率推送模板消息来唤醒睡眠用户。一旦用户打开了大量小程序,即使没有购买记录,游戏也会频繁地将活动信息推送给用户。
2. UGC和社会关系链,以提高用户粘性
Weibo,Post Bar,Douban,Tianya .都依靠UGC生成内容以吸引用户,然后依靠关系链或爱好来增加用户粘性并提高保留率。 UGC的魅力在于它赋予了冷平台个性,并且新来的用户被其个性所吸引,并且无意识地加入了输出内容阵营。这种现象就像滚雪球一样。用户UGC越多,保留率越高,吸引的新用户就越多。许多垂直行业平台小程序可以通过创建UGC平台来提高保留率。
小程序 can go to the final core competitiveness is to complete the brand awareness. Want to work efficiently, filter out the outside noise, turn on the tomato alarm clock; if you want to quickly make the magic expression package, use the gif subtitle bacteria; if you want to sleep well, use a small sleep.these 小程序 are the features they provide. Services, let users turn their impressions into tags, and the next time users have such needs, they will return to them. This is the completion of brand awareness.
6. Ingeniously precipitate 小程序 traffic to the public number
小程序 runs out, there is no concern and fan concept, which is an important reason for low retention. But this is precisely the advantage of the public number. The 小程序 traffic is deposited on the public number to achieve the linkage of the public number +小程序, and there have been many successful attempts.
7. Give, give, and give again
In our communication with customers, often customers will ask what to send and how to send it. The customer's question and answer reflects the customer's own needs and preferences. It can be seen that a good start is to provide the start of the offer to the customer. What does it give to the customer? Giving is a service, a description, giving the customer an explanation of what he cares about. So, as a business, remember to never ask the customer for anything, even if it is an answer.
沈阳汇海 network Xiaobian believes that with the development of 微信小程序 more and more, 小程序's drainage function is more and more powerful, with the constant update of 小程序 function, in the future implementation environment, 小程序 will be able to bring more to the business The profit opportunities, and the merchants with these 小程序 constantly updated features, will also enable the merchants to achieve more customer deposits, in order to achieve more profit in the future market development. I hope the above content can be confusing for everyone.