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What is the profit model of the 小程序 three-tier distribution mall?

2019-07-13 13:23:06 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the increasing number of new features of 小程序, many companies have also developed their own 小程序 mall, but the general 小程序 mall can realize the functions of purchasing, paying, searching, browsing products, etc. Now, in order to better promote 小程序 mall, it has also developed Distribution function

With the increasing number of new features of 小程序, many companies have also developed their own 小程序 mall, but the general 小程序 mall is able to purchase, pay, search, browse products and other functions, now 沈阳微信小程序


In order to better promote the 小程序 mall, the distribution function was also developed. The launch of the 小程序 three-level distribution mall has the functions of three-level distribution and fissile distribution, which quickly helps merchants to expand marketing channels, fissile ways to absorb powder, expand product coverage, and improve marketing results. Let many businesses just want to chase. So how is the 小程序 three-tier distribution mall profitable?


1. Three-level distribution. Fission distribution form, three-level sub-servicing method encourages promoters to drive members and fans to consume, and promoters can develop fans and customers to become secondary and tertiary distributors to become offline, carry out fission promotion, and rapidly expand sales channels for enterprises.

2. Diversified marketing tools. 小程序 three-level distribution mall system diversified marketing tools to help companies solve the problem of single marketing. Grouping, 包邮, bargaining, coupons, pre-sales, etc. can be combined to carry out marketing activities.

3. The public number is seamlessly connected. According to the user's preference, different keyword responses are set, personalized information is pushed to the user, the user experience is improved, the user's stickiness to the public number is enhanced, and the churn rate is reduced.

xx 4.营销数据分析。订单数据在后台自动生成,用户浏览页面,产品的总销售量,单个产品的销售量,到商场的访客数量,及时反馈销售效果给商家,调整运营方向,实现信息管理。



