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What mechanism does the three-level distribution system use

2019-07-13 15:36:09 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

For the three-level distribution system, some people may be applying it, but its understanding of the three-level distribution system is mobile 软件开发


Not many, so it can not be fully reflected in the functions and functions of the three-level distribution system, then in this case, it will cause waste of resources

For the three-level distribution system, some people may be applying it, but it does not know much about三级分销系统, so it cannot be fully reflected in the functions and functions of the three-level distribution system. In this case, It will cause waste of resources, so you should first understand some of the expertise of this system, here is the beginning of its mechanism, let's take a look at the relevant introduction!


First, abc-level distributors

This is a basic model of the three-tier distribution system. There is no commission relationship between the three-tier distributors, and there is no mutual restriction. Through the three-level distribution system, these different levels of distributors can contact each other and are the general agents. can get the distribution directly from the manufacturer, such a distributor, the main job content is to distribute products for the agents below.

Second, D third-level commission distributors

The d-class belongs to the third-level distributor and the lowest-level distributor among the entire three-level distribution system. The profit he receives is also the lowest. The distributor mainly enters the system through the secondary agent for distribution. That is the distributors we usually come into contact with.

Third, E secondary commission distributors

This is a secondary distributor in the entire distribution system. It can also be called an intermediate distributor. The profit he gets is just in the middle of the above two levels of distributors, but he has a very large customer source, so he earns money. There are also quite a few.

xx 这是三层分发系统使用的分发机制。除了这些级别的经销商外,还有一级佣金经销商。可以看出,三层分配系统的分配机制比较齐全,因此他运行顺畅的能力,使很多人在这个系统中可以享受到各种功能。


