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What are the usage methods of the distribution system

2019-07-13 17:30:08 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The distribution system is mainly used as a platform for micro-business sales activities. With this system, it can help enterprises to carry out more extensive sales. The design of enterprises in modern society is 软件


If the industry wants to develop, it is impossible to have a good product quality, but also to do a good job, then you want to achieve such a

分销系统It is mainly used as a platform for micro-sales sales activities. With this system, it can help enterprises to carry out more extensive sales. If enterprises in modern society want to develop, it is impossible to have good product quality. Do a good job of propaganda, then to achieve such sales status can not be separated from today's distributors.


First and third-level distribution methods

The three-level distribution we can see from the name, is the simplest understanding of the distributors to the level of division is that A will recommend products B, B will recommend products C, C will recommend products, Ding if shopping, then The three companies have established a sales relationship, and they can receive sub-commission rewards in such goods activities throughout the sales activities.

The second, everyone wins the game

Everyone's gameplay is similar to the crowdfunding lottery. On the merchants, a product is launched. Consumers who participate in the event can purchase the product for only 1 yuan, because such sales activities are in the form of a group, but not every A member can buy a product, and the entire activity group, usually only one person can spend a dollar to buy the product.

In order to attract more people to participate in the distribution system for product purchase activities, the system now attracts customers more, because customers can get more benefits, so this system is recognized by everyone.



