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Mall 小程序 marketing, how is the effect

2019-07-13 18:03:02 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

小程序 resides in the 微信 ecosystem, and can take advantage of all the traffic on 微信, without the need for downloading, ready-to-go, and attracting widespread attention and use. Offline users can enter the mall 小程序 by scanning code or nearby 小程序, and the online traffic portal will be

小程序 resides in the 微信 ecosystem, and can take advantage of all the traffic on 微信, without the need for downloading, ready-to-go, and attracting widespread attention and use. Offline users can enter the mall 小程序 by scanning code or nearby 小程序, and the online traffic portal is much more. Now 汇海 Xiaobian for everyone to introduce the advantages of the mall 小程序?


1, no need to install, ready to use, go away. Provincial traffic, provincial installation time, no memory usage.

2. For 小程序 owners, the development cost is lower, the promotion is easier and simpler, they can concentrate more energy, financial resources, manpower, and put on running good products.

3. For the user, compared to using various APPs. 小程序 mall reduces the difficulty of users.

4. Social communication. 小程序 is suitable for fast fission propagation in 微信. This gives social e-commerce, social products a rapid increase in product awareness and influence, and provides a publicity channel 沈阳软件 customization



5, huge traffic. 微信 can be said to be centralized traffic, 小程序 in this traffic pool, the potential is huge.

xx 6,独立操作,远离公众号码,朋友圈,群聊,私聊等老框架,商城小程序免费创建自己的商城规则,任何时候都可以自由组合商城营销工具做促销活动。




