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iTranslate 类型:办公更新:2019-02-28下载次数:10万+系统:iOS开发商:Sonico GmbH(官网)手机扫二维下载苹果版下载app介绍app截图文件下载网友评论(5)iTra

2019-03-24 07:59:49 来源:沈阳软件公司 作者:沈阳软件开发

iTranslate is an award winning translation tool that helps you break down language barriers. With its state of the art technology you can speak any language in a second.« ...my favorite by far » - Alex Heath (Cult of Mac)« Easier than learning Japanese » - Sonia Gil (NBC Today)« ...one of the apps I always keep on my Home screen » - Christian Zibreg (iDownloadBlog)« Simpler, cleaner, flatter » - Aldrin Calimlim (App Advice)80 LANGUAGESWith iTranslate you can translate words, phrases and text in over 80 languages.VOICE OUTPUTEver wanted to know what an Australian English female sounds like? With iTranslate you can select between lots of different dialects, choose a male or female voice and even control the speaking rate.VOICE INPUT (Premium) Speak instead of type. No training needed. Just start speaking and we recognize your voice, transform it into text and translate it into another language.DICTIONARIES Most translator Apps give you only 1 result peERP系统

<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>沈阳<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>软件开发</a></a>,<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>沈阳<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>软件公司</a></a>

r translation. However, if you are translating words and phrases there are often different meanings, depending on the context. iTranslate gives you dictionaries for many languages to precisely solve that problem. ROMANIZATIONWith romanization you can turn \"你好\" into \"Nǐ hǎo\". Transform non-Latin languages into Latin charACTers. Available for many languages including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Hindi, Russian or Thai. TYPE FASTER iTranslate is optimized for fast text input. Get suggestions while you’re typing, turn your phone to the side and use both hands for typing with the bigger landscape keyboard or use our popular swipe gestures for quick copying


