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Farmhouse APP development allows you to experience a more fun tour

2019-07-10 13:44:53 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Now on weekends or small holidays, people in the city like to travel to the suburbs around the city. Some farmhouses have become a great place for people to relax. The development of farmhouse APP has also become a part of the development of the farmhouse market, providing people with more convenience in this type of tourism consumption, such as online search for nearby farmhouses, online reservations, or purchases of goods.



The development of the economy not only drives the economic development of the current city, but also drives the development of the rural economy. The construction of the new countryside has made some rural villages more and more beautiful, giving full play to their own unique tourism resources and providing more tourism. Consumer services. Every small holiday, city tour, outing, farmhouse tourism is gradually becoming one of the most popular tourist consumption methods. Whether the farmer APP development can better cater to these consumer service needs, let you experience a more interesting travel experience.

Farmhouses, folk villages, rural farms, and agricultural science and technology parks have developed into a new major force in the tourism industry. According to the data compiled by the China Business Research Institute, in 2017, 9 million people employed in leisure agriculture and rural tourism in China, and more than 100 million tourists were received.


1. Recommended tourist attractions: When the user opens the farmhouse app, the system will automatically locate the user's location and will automatically recommend it to the nearby tourist attractions.

2. Consumption project reservation: The farmhouse APP will have various choices of consumption items, such as company group construction, student activities and other different project reservations, so that the merchants can make reasonable arrangements through the reservation method.

3. Diet consumption package: APP软件 which can be consumed by users according to business items and products and various consumption packages.


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