Analysis of the repair service APP软件开发 program of the reservation function
With the development of the Internet era, the consumer service of people's life service has become more convenient, just like some 沈阳软件 customization
The service can directly obtain the corresponding service through the mobile APP. The APP软件 that develops the appointment repair service is similar to some of the current services. The mobile APP can directly search for the corresponding service online. The user directly obtains the corresponding consumer service through the online APP, which is convenient for the user's life.
1. Classification of service types: The main application scenario of the APP for the main appointment maintenance service is the current appliance repair service. The service category is based on different types of home appliances, such as air conditioning repair service, washing machine repair. Or there will be some recycling services for discarded home appliances.
2. Online reservation function: Appointment service is to have the function of having an appointment. It can be reserved by time. If it is an emergency appliance repair, it can directly communicate with the relevant maintenance personnel through the online online customer service function to carry out home appliance repair service, online appointment. The benefit of the function is that it is arranged according to time.
3. Service evaluation function: According to the maintenance personnel's attitudes on the technical or attitude of various maintenance services, as well as the service on time and timeliness, so that the choices for other consumer customers, or merchants The service is understood to have a better understanding.
4. Map navigation function: In order to better facilitate the user's search for the service location, the map navigation function can make the general and clearer understanding of the positioning.
xx 5.在线支付功能:如一些维修服务,家电维修通过现在的APP软件可以直接实现线上预约方式,二是可以直接通过在线支付的功能,线上支付或者是现在的现金支付的方式