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What are the main costs of developing an O2O e-commerce APP?

2019-07-11 10:29:55 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

At present, when the business is in business, the cost and expenses are also of reference in the company's business services. Just as the cost of developing an O2O e-commerce app is now evaluated in several ways. The general development company will meet the requirements of the users according to the time cost, labor cost and other expenses.


What are the main costs of developing an O2O e-commerce APP?

1.时间成本:The time cost of an APP development is mainly the amount of time required to complete an app development. For example, a normal 软件, it takes about 1-3 months to develop, but if it is a more complex function, 软件 will be higher in time. If the time is longer, then the cost will naturally increase. If the development task can be completed in one month, then the company pays one month for the payment of wages. If it is two or three months, then it is necessary to pay these wages. Therefore, time cost is one of the reference factors for APP development cost.

2.人力成本:Now develop an O2O e-commerce APP project, usually with an iOS engineer, Java engineer, product manager, project manager, UI designer, background function development, etc. At least six people's work team, the cost of these people The cost is relatively high, the average monthly salary is more than 10,000, then there will be different needs in the cost of the user.

xx 3.服务器费用:用户可以正常使用APP。首先,必须将APP部署到相应的服务器。特别是对于大型软件,在选择服务器时,必须选择合适的数据容量,更高的安全性,稳定性,这将严重影响服务器成本,而服务器成本是软件开发成本的重要组成部分。它也是O2O电子商务APP当前成本的主要组成部分。





