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How much is it to develop a rental class APP软件?

2019-07-11 11:36:18 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the development of mobile Internet now, the need for the improvement of smart community security, how much is developing a rental class APP软件? Now the management of the village is also being developed through the Internet 沈阳APP


Management upgrades, many cities are passing a smart rental class APP, on the one hand to improve the management needs, on the other hand can also improve the convenience of tenants renting.


1. The basic process of renting APP软件开发

1. Program communication understanding—— 2. Program function confirmation—— 3. Prototype UI design—— 4. Code development—— 5. Functional test modification—— 6. Application platform is online, the main development process is these 6 aspects.

Now we are about the more popular areas of the APP软件, such as the current apartment APP, the home-based APP is now the popular rental type APP type, the current rental application APP development time is mainly 2-4 months, if When the current development company is highly efficient, it can be developed in three months.

2. How much is renting APP软件?

Now the price of rental app development is based on the user's needs to determine the final function quotation. The reference factors of APP quotation are mainly APP function complexity, APP development system mode requirements, APP development material preparation.

xx APP功能复杂性:APP的功能要求只是一个可以被APP页面点击和使用的功能。它可以通过每个页面的交互使用在Internet上自由使用。函数具有的条目越多,交互的页面越多,价格越高。如果商家使用多平台类,则还需要涉及多个端口。租赁应用基本上涉及三个平台:租户,租户和经理。


app开发材料准备:app开发需要准备更多的材料,目前的APP UI设计,产品原型,APP服务器,这些都是目前app开发所需的材料,客户基本上会选择所有外包为开发公司开发。

开发租赁类APP软件需要多少钱?根据过去的发展案例,租赁APP的价格一般在100,000-300,000左右。 沈阳汇海技术属于公寓类APP,租赁APP是一个成功的案例开发,报价和解决方案咨询,欢迎在线咨询。


