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微信 Custom development public number problems

2019-07-12 22:23:53 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Nowadays, new media is constantly evolving. The number and function of 微信 public numbers are increasing, and there are problems such as unhealthy content and chaotic operation. The 微信 team adjustment tightened the upper limit of the number of public registrations, and the personal registration was adjusted from 2 to 1, but the new public number is still being established, and the original public number is continuing to “fall off the powder”. 微信 Will the public number decline? I don't think it will be short-term, but the bottlenecks encountered in its development must be resolved.

xx 1-1Z314131F51Q.jpg Nowadays, new media is constantly evolving. The number and function of 微信 public numbers are increasing, and there are problems such as unhealthy content and chaotic operation. The 微信 team adjustment tightened the upper limit of the number of public registrations, and the personal registration was adjusted from 2 to 1, but the new public number is still being established, and the original public number is continuing to “fall off the powder”. 微信 Will the public number decline? I don't think it will be short-term, but the bottlenecks encountered in its development must be resolved. As of November 2017, the average opening rate of the 3 million+ 微信 public account fell to 3%. The most worrying issue for the public number operators with millions of fans is that the public number they run is almost every day. Drop the powder." The phenomenon of “dropping powder” indicates to some extent that the 微信 public number has slowly entered the bottleneck period, and the existing problems cannot be underestimated. (1) The content is homogenized, the number of public numbers is large, and the opening rate of articles is low. According to the data survey, there are about 14 million public numbers in 微信 in 2017, and the number will continue to grow. More and more public numbers, The homogenization of the topic and content led to a decline in the open rate of readers for different public article articles. When readers first subscribe to more than a dozen public numbers, they may be interested in reading one or two push points per day, but when they are concerned about hundreds of public numbers of interest, especially when they are public. When the content posted by the publisher is similar or even the same, the reader is no longer interested in browsing the same information. Those "large" who have a fixed number of fans, the operators will also open a lot of "small", through the "large" fans subscribe to recommend "small", so that "small" also has a certain number of fans The final result is to facilitate the reception of more advertisements, which will also make the 微信 public number more and more. The readers will habitually open the public number that they often browse, and the content published by the public number that has more fans will be more credible.xx (2)内容混合,有不自然的公共号码数据微信公共号码推送的内容值决定用户数量,内容是核心竞争力,公共号码的活动和其他数据是重要的,以确定是否广告客户投资因素。一些公共号码旨在吸引粉丝推送不适当的内容,以吸引广告商甚至虚假数据。 1.发布粗俗内容。推色情文章视频,低俗小说,使用虚假夸张包含软件自定义


隐含的主题,以低质量的内容吸引读者的注意力。 2.未经证实的,已发表的谣言。为了能够在其他类似的公共账户之前获取内容,一些公共账户忽略了内容验证。自2018年以来,已有105,000篇文章被粉碎。 3.抄袭和侵权。它本身没有创意,它是抄袭和侵权的原因,以节省时间和精力。自2018年以来,涉及“抄袭”的投诉数量接近8万起,涉嫌侵权的账户数量达到5万起,涉嫌侵权的文章数量接近3万起。 4.刷粉。 微信可以通过分析对公共号码的文章数量,粉丝数量,转发次数等进行排序和排序。这可以帮助广告客户筛选高质量的流量所有者,因此有一个公共号码可以获得异常。操作。例如,机器人刷粉,这种机器人系统可以实现不同程度的自动化,计时任务,购买读数,刷扇等。 (3)原始内容较少,用户习惯于“常规”。对于个人创作者而言,个人知识无法跟上内容的连续输出。公共内容创新要求创作者保持新鲜感。事物的敏感性,对新闻事件的深刻理解以及他们自己的个人想法。这些因素使得公共号码的内容创建者无法持久存在或者具有更深层次和更丰富的内容表达形式。如果没有强大的内容操作能力,很容易陷入创造的瓶颈。为了能够获得更多的阅读,公众号码的创建者和操作者调整了公共号码的标题,并使用一些夸张和无限制的词语来唤起读者的好奇心。例如,“震惊”,“奇迹已经发生”,“忏悔知道为时已晚”以及其他此类关键词经常出现。点击这里查看完整的文字,但没有。除了“标题派对”之外,本文最令人兴奋的部分还有一个暂停。让读者点击原始文本并单击它以跳转到另一个不相关的文章。 此外,在微信公共号码上发送礼品,彩票等活动,用户需要转发给小组或分享朋友圈才有资格参加活动,如最近“火赢得锦鲤奖”。从长远来看,用户早已习惯于这种“惯例”。即使有时会调整“惯例”,用户仍然会一目了然地识别它们。当他们看到像“路由”这样的公共号码时,就没有进入的欲望,也没有欲望。在无形中分享的意愿不断地消耗了创作者自己的可信度。 (4)短视频上升,“大”运营商试图减少对微信公共号码的依赖。短片是一段短片。通常,UGC用于新的互联网媒体,视频内容在1分钟内传播。其生产不需要专业的团队,具有生产工艺简单,生产门槛低,兴趣浓厚,参与度强等特点,吸引了众多用户参与。截至2017年底,视频软件,如颤音,西瓜等,一直在崛起,竞争激烈。 “一旦你摇动颤音,回去观看由微信公共号码推动的长静态文本。它会很无聊,刷牙的音调会在一两个小时内过去。画笔是无穷无尽的,下一个画笔总是有新内容。“这是刷完颤音后许多用户的内心写照。相比之下,短视频的持续狂欢使得微信看起来有点安静。那些拥有数百万粉丝的人面临着堕落的局面,想要去“阵地”创建自己的视频团队。此外,还有大型运营商在线开设实体店,将积累的忠实粉丝带到离线,创建自己的应用程序,并使用微信公共号码来指导流程。 “大”认为微信公共号码只是一个位置。 (5)公众号码难以实现,转换率降低,广告商尝试新的收入。当大量个人开始使用微信公共号码时,他们都出于自己的兴趣和热情。他们最初的坚持源于不得不喜欢自己。球迷之后的动机是来自忠实粉丝的小鼓励和奖励,但最终可能还是找不到实现自己的方法。当公共号码达到一定水平时,它就有了流量。广告订单和软文件更容易兑现,广告商的态度非常重要。现在,对于微信公共号码,广告商不满意。除了数据欺诈和未公开的不透明性之外,广告在公共号码中带来的转换率正在下降,其收益远远低于以前。像颤音这样的视频的出现让广告商有了其他的地方。


