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2019-07-12 22:29:41 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


1-1Z310134346311.jpg 2015年,微信的用户阅读蜜月期公共账号的内容,使传统媒体能够与媒体一起迎接粉丝爆发阶段。城市报纸的公共报纸不断发表各种引人注目的文章,其中一些甚至是粗俗的,杀气的,略带性的文字等等。这个标题并不奇怪。媒体正在追求阅读,10万多篇文章正在涌现,而且爆炸的难度要小得多。当时推动大都市的另一个推动力是传统纸媒的盈利能力下降。整个国家都在呼吁新媒体的转型。每个人都不知道如何转身。不可避免地盲目跟风做微信。然而,随后的新媒体广告收入并未达到城市报纸老板的预期。这使得Metropolis Daily在路中间保持了微信。在2017年,开始理性读取微信用户,让微信公众号迎来了热情,再加上清理微信官方僵尸粉丝,许多公众号码运营商关闭并改变。大都会报纸多年来在当地一直很有影响力,而且公众号码粉丝的流失并不太严重。然而,阅读量也急剧下降。新媒体的变化可以说是同一年。许多大都市报纸都没有完全适应这种节奏。这可以在微信公共号码的内容定位中清楚地看到。如果早期阶段,城市报纸的定位是拉粉为未来奠定基础,现在城市报纸的定位应该是舆论的清晰,必须是公众可以信赖的声音。然而,实际发展并非如此。现在,各种报纸微信的公共报纸的内容在很大程度上是同质化的,问题很严重。你复制了我,我复制了他,并复制了国内副本。我忘了我最擅长的,我的优势在哪里!失去市场一直是城市报纸中不适应市场经济的最大问题。 首先,内容定位:推送的内容应该与观众想要获得的信息兼容。那么城市报纸微信应该如何定位在这个阶段呢? 微信公共门限低,运营成本低,吸引了大量机构和个人进入运营领域。因此,市场竞争激烈,同质化严重。为了在竞争中实现生存,盈利和发展,微观宣传必须首先明确自己的定位,并在定位明确后,才能赢得信息受众的关注。 微信公共号码的定位可以从三个方面入手:内容,用户,利润模式。关于Metropolis Daily的微信公共号码最重要的是内容定位。内容是在微信中抓住用户的关键,它仍然是内容为王的时代。 Metropolitan Daily 微信公共账户的用户通常基于当地居民。与中央媒体不同,目标应该更加关注本地,虽然沈阳软件开发


The public number does not have geographical limitations like newspaper distribution, and can be aimed at readers across the country, but to stand out in many media, the most important thing is to have exclusive features. Some people summarized the direction of the publicity of the Metropolis Daily 微信 as "I don't miss the news, and consider the life." National events involve everyone, and major events touch everyone. This kind of news is the most concerned about at any time, and nature can't be missed. The life service news of the people's livelihood is very important for the readers of the mobile reading era. User demand is the first, which is also an important part of the urban newspaper to change the concept. Now the fermentation process of a hot news published by the 微信 public number can be seen that the user is not satisfied with the event itself, but also wants to understand the cause of the event, the turning point, the impact on life and work, and the changes in people's values. Even the related events derived from this incident have erupted new hot spots. This trend of news tends to be in the hands of traditional media. How to be cautious in doing good news content is even more important. Metropolitan newspapers must be the king of content, we must pay attention to the following points: First, we must establish authority and credibility on the network. The complexity of the network information is difficult to distinguish, which requires the traditional media to play traditional long-term, clear-headed, and stand out. Do not blindly follow the trend or pass on, everyone is turbid, I am alone, and wake up to the public. It is necessary to pay attention to the content of the authority to publish and confess. In recent years, the blind development of the city newspaper 微信 has lost a lot of credibility, allowing the rumors or inappropriate words from the media to mislead the public. The Metropolis Daily is the time to recapture the highlands. Secondly, insisting on originality is the last killer of the Metropolis Daily. With the regulation of online public opinion, it began to restrict the interviews and release of news information from the media, and also increased the crackdown on the network's false information. Metropolitan Daily's interview creation experience and mature team have played a role. To carry out a full-person interview to create a new media product concept update, most metropolitan newspapers are not determined to do so, or do not want to do so.xx 面对微信传播同质化严重的情况,独家原创报道就是稀缺的产品,是都市报擅长的,也是为了未来内容付费的杀手锏。最后,摆正观念是找准定位的关键.微信公众号要走在报纸前面。这里不是说报纸不重要,恰恰相反,新媒体必须要依托于报纸,依赖于报纸的公信力影响力。这里说的是新闻传播方式方法的变化,现在大部分都市报还在让记者编辑以给报纸交稿为先,然后才是新媒体二次转发。或者让新媒体另建一套采访团队,以至于力量十分薄弱,浪费资源。首发新媒体,报纸重新编发,是都市报定位转型的一个非常重要的前提。让新媒体充分利用到传统都市报强大的采编团队的力量,才能在极速变化的新媒体发展中跟上形势,取得优势。二,运营定位: 微信公众号要加强与都市报的互动都市报的微信公众号不是独立于纸媒存在的,相反要依托于纸的影响力,如何利用好纸媒几十年积累的人气,转化到微信平台上?对于微信公众号的发展非常重要。同时,如何利用微信平台资源改变纸媒吸引力下降的趋势?也是都市报老总需要思考的问题。加强微信与母报互动的方法:第一,在母报上灵活设置二维码,打开读者从纸媒到微信公众号的通道。第二,推送的内容从母报深度报道中精选,打造微信独家内容的有效方法。第三,受众在公众平台上的回复或提供的信息可以被母报利用,有助于使用户创造内容成为可能。今天说的如何定位,已经不是简单的一个如何运营公众号的问题,而是关系着都市报发展方向的一个策略和观念的问题.xx 以黑龙江日报报业集团的人生报告为例。公共号码的定位根据本地用户的需要确定内容输出。其定位的准确性也可以从当地官方媒体排名中看出。但是,如何在这个定位中细化内容,让更多的年轻读者接受,并成为用户心中信息发布的权威平台,这需要进一步的努力和创新。因此,大都会日报微信公众号多年来具有内涵和声誉的优势。当地用户心理学对某些主要新闻发布和解释具有权威性基础。 “都市报”必须从基本的物理机制和概念出发。转型不仅仅关注这个收入,不能闭门造车,有远见,定位微信公众号,充分发挥其优势,抢占网络舆论的制高点,从而完成向新媒体的转型。


