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One point does not cost, the public number is 10 months to increase the powder 10W+ method

2019-07-12 23:14:23 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

As a majority of new media practitioners or 微信 Xiaobian, the vast majority are concerned about the issue of public number powder. Being able to quickly absorb powder can not only satisfy the boss's requirements, but also has a sense of accomplishment. So among the many powder-absorbing tricks, which one is the most effective, how do you do it?


1 person 微信#

Operating the public number is not just about letting others actively search for your public number to follow you, and everyone should not ignore the role of personal 微信. For example, the individual 微信 "discovery" has the functions of shaking, nearby people, drifting bottles, etc. and using these functions to attract users to the public number.

2 Weibo

There are a lot of users who play Weibo, because Weibo pays attention to news information is not 沈阳软件 production


Very fast and very convenient. Although many people are playing 微信 now, there are still many people who are brushing Weibo. You can register your Weibo account with your public account, brush Weibo every day, pay attention to the relevant users' Weibo, and forward, comment, like, and guide users to pay attention to the public number.

3QQ function

As long as people who go online, almost all have a QQ number, then we can use the relevant functions of QQ to add fans to the public number. For example, QQ friends, QQ space, QQ group, etc. When guiding users to pay attention to the 微信 public number, less advertising, using some methods to guide users.

4 forums, communities

The forum has local forums, technical forums, industry forums, etc. Communities like Tianya Community, HC Community, Sohu Community, Alibaba Community, etc. These forums, the community has a lot of people every day, we can use these platforms to promote the 微信 public number.

xx ⑤别人的微信公众号









XX 有趣的测试游戏就像一个谜语。有一个有趣的故事。在阅读之后,用户渴望知道答案是什么。此时,您可以在微信公共号码上发布答案。如果你想知道,你必须注意你的微信公共号码才能知道答案。这是迫使用户注意的,但效果非常好,因为每个人都有好奇心,不知道答案会不舒服。



