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2019-07-12 23:16:22 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发












I have to say that killing is really not very good. Even if everyone trusts you and feels that your things are good, come to your store to buy things, you must also know that acquaintances are more "serving" than strangers, because in the eyes of acquaintances, your products must be good, certainly It's not expensive. If you have one or two defective products in one batch and then you buy them twice in succession, even if you change them immediately after the sale, others will think that your things will not work.

Everyone carefully understands what I said is right. The acquaintances are not very good at buying and selling. Because the price positioning and after-sales are sensitive, everyone always feels weird in the money, so when you are friends When I am doing it in the circle, I suggest that you expand the market outside the acquaintance circle, like my friend diverting from Weibo, instead of staring at the acquaintances, it will be more conducive to the progress of your business. After all, there are only a few acquaintances, and the stranger group is the key to business.

Fourth, pay attention to the interaction in the sales process

You are a real person in the buyer's mind, and this close sense of distance is very helpful for you to carry out a series of business activities. Buying guides for buyers, answering the questions that arise during their use, this may be easier to do in the early stage, but in the later stages, it may be a bit overwhelming. At this time, you can summarize a use strategy and let everyone solve it themselves, but It is important to remember that in the circle of friends, you must pay attention to the interaction between you and the buyer, which is not only conducive to repeated purchases, but also allows you to become your loyal fans. Like some smart sellers, they often wear pictures of other buyers. This method is worthy of recommendation. One is to show that their products are sold, and the other is to use everyone's herd mentality to complete the sale of goods.

Fifth, the circle of friends to eliminate blindness

Many people do a lot of blindness in the circle of friends, they don't know what time to send, what content to send, the target customer is 沈阳软件 production

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