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信息架构是指小程序呈现的信息级别。一般来说,这个小程序可以用于什么。信息架构研究人们如何感知信息的过程。人们通过信息架构获得的信息可以确定小程序的信息是否合理。对于某些网站,网站的自优化可以合理地组织网站的信息,以便用户可以快速找到他们需要的信息。但是如果网站想要帮助用户从数字中获得更好的信息,那么信息架构需要工作。特别是对于信息内容,信息架构更重要,这也是许多网站中最被考虑的问题。 网站信息架构设计和Internet产品设计需要注意三个方面,即上下文,内容,用户。情景包括业务目标,政治,文化,技术,资金,资源和限制性方面。所有网站和公司网络都处于特定的业务或组织环境中,因此首先要了解的是业务场景。这些场景的独特之处在于,如何处理这些场景,然后将信息架构与企业的目标和文化联系起来。内容包括对象,数量数据,现有架构等。对于企业,必须清楚当前内容的质量和数量,以及未来可能的变化。当您查看网站时,将出现以下内容以区分信息的生态方面。这些因素包括格式,结构,所有权,数量等。用户包括受众,任务,需求,体验和信息搜索行为。需要理解的是信息需求和搜索行为。在现实世界中,使用沈阳软件公司There are differences in household preferences and behaviors, which are translated into different information needs and information search behaviors in the context. Taking the news app as an example, the news app can now be said to realize the diversification of usage scenarios. In addition to being able to capture basic needs, the news app also continually satisfies the user's individual needs and is no longer controlled by a single 网站, thus allowing the subject to transition from 网站 to the user and opening up many scenarios. From the aspect of information acquisition, Sohu News client puts the selected headline content into the first screen of the user to open the application, which enables the user to quickly obtain information in the fragmented time. Moreover, the main content is switched by Tab sliding, which can save users a lot of time. From the point of view of information grooming, consulting is the most important content of news APP. Different APs use different attributes and content when acquiring information, which is essentially the hierarchical division of information. Sohu combs information from the information dimension. In the column subdivision, you can use the Tab tab according to the user's preference, allowing users to switch freely. In the information search method, Sohu puts the search in an important position in the top title bar. In terms of search engines, Sohu has its own search engine. There are many categories to show users, and the search results are still based on news. On the whole, Sohu News considers the content of information combing and search more detailed and comprehensive, and the overall information structure is more concise, so it can be better among the major news clients. 微信小程序 has great similarities with APP in all aspects of building information architecture. When designing 小程序, developers consider the three aspects of 小程序, user and content. A thorough and meticulous consideration can be made to develop a 小程序 that gives users a good experience.xx