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小程序 4 questions to be aware of when developing

2019-07-13 00:53:10 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, the rise of 小程序 in the past six months is obvious to everyone, but小程序开发is still very tricky for most people, because when developing 小程序 is not just a question of how to choose, Instead, you need to consider a range of options. Of course, if you give the development of the program to a professional company, you can have more time to think comprehensively. The next 沈阳汇海 network Xiaobian summarizes some of the details that need to be noted when developing 小程序. Of course, there are still a lot of developmental skills, and the kinds we introduce are just some basic ones, I hope to be able to solve for everyone.


1. Think about the development goals of 小程序

We are in the midst of a rapid change in 小程序 development technology, and there are constant users and competitors entering the industry, so it can be concluded that the development of 小程序 will be very different from today after two years. So for users who are already preparing to develop 小程序, we recommend to consider their future development goals as much as possible, define their long-term needs for 小程序, and consider the value advantages and disadvantages of the application.

2. Understand the target audience of 小程序 and what they use

xx 了解人们在浏览小程序时使用的设备类型是整个开发策略的关键。虽然很多人拥有智能手机,但我们不能盲目的跟风,要结合用户的习惯来给予不同的展现,这样才能让自己的小程序与竞争对有区别。大家可以通过分析或研究来调查目标受众实际使用的设备来达到这一点。其他需要考虑的事项是你的目标受众如何使用他们的手机,以及他们是否拥有可靠的互联网连接。例如让用户将在其移动设备上填写表单等。










