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The traps of the three major 微信 generations need to be vigilant

2019-07-13 01:41:54 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

When微信代运营, some enterprises actually did not notice when they actually operated, and fell into the trap of 微信 generation operation. Once dropped into such a trap, it is very detrimental to the development of the enterprise. I believe that for such a trap, companies need to be ahead of the ERP system


To understand clearly, to ensure that companies can easily deal with the three major 微信 generation operating traps.


Trap 1: To develop a highly technical marketing module

Internet technology does not replicate very little. This is especially true for secondary development on the 微信 platform. All marketing modules, such as 微信 scratch cards, sweepstakes, various coupons, etc. are templates. Just fill in the various company names in the background, you can sell again, really a profit.

How to break through? If you don't want to spend your own money, you should go to the secondary development platform of 微信 and connect the 微信 public number to this platform. Can let people who don't know what code to choose the marketing module at will, any customization, can get started in one minute, without any computer knowledge. The cost will be lower than the development fee of 100,000.

Trap 2: Help you apply for a custom menu, there will be internal channels?

Custom menus are simply myths. Applying for a custom menu really requires an internal channel. Some 微信 service numbers can be easily applied. To what extent is it easy? Give this matter to the clerk at the front desk and solve it in 30 minutes. For such a simple job, the charge is between 5,000 and 20,000.

xx 如何突破?应用自定义菜单确实是一个战略决策。如何使用这个菜单?这真的是一个技术问题。如果要使用原始Wap或客户管理系统打开微信公共号码,则将涉及技术工作。专注于此业务,仔细了解细节,防止二次消费。





