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What should be paid attention to in the handling of corporate public relations crisis?

2019-07-13 02:18:14 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Enterprises公关危机should pay attention to the treatment? Companies, regardless of size, will encounter a public relations crisis in the development process, for some large enterprises, public relations crisis management is no stranger, many companies will find some outsourcing companies to deal with, in fact, We can build our own public relations team. Let's share it with you at 汇海, about processing APP软件


The seven elements of crisis public relations hope to be confusing for everyone.


First, ethics

The core content of the ethical code of ethics is “the ethics of organizing public relations activities and their planning and practitioners' behaviors are increasingly strengthened”. This is also the most basic requirement that every public relations company follows.

Second, truth-seeking

It is the basic principle of public relations planning. Public relations planning must be based on the true grasp of facts. Public relations companies must faithfully convey information to the public in a sincere manner. Only when the information passed is true will they be trusted by the public and The changes in the real thing are constantly adjusting the strategies and guidelines of public relations planning.

Third, innovation

Public relations planning must break the tradition, ingenuity, and deliberate innovation, make the event lively and interesting, and leave a deep impression on the relevant customers and the public, in order to play a better role.

Fourth, system principles

It refers to the public relations activities in the public relations planning, as a systematic project to understand, public relations companies in accordance with the system's views and methods to plan and co-ordinate.

Fifth, flexibility

There are many uncontrollable factors involved in public relations activities, and it is difficult for anyone to grasp them. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to leave room for public relations processing.

Sixth, psychological

xx 运用心理学的一般原理及其在公共关系活动中的应用,正确把握公共心理,根据公众的心理活动,利用这种情况。控制舆论。





