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微信 How much does it cost to operate in one month? How to judge the direction of charging?

2019-07-13 09:58:35 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信代运营一个月收多少钱How to judge the direction of charging? Many small and medium-sized enterprises and startups choose to outsource the 微信 public number because of limited budget and limited energy. Some customers have revealed that they are looking for Durex's operation team, but once they hear the price of——, the service fee is nearly 4 million, only to find that the money is not enough. However, because 微信 sits on 1 billion users, more and more SMEs are willing to devote their time and energy to the construction of 微信 public number. If you don’t do it, then you will lose the channel to promote your own brand, then what should you do? make decisions? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian.


Of course, many companies just don't want to consider outsourcing to find a professional team to operate, but to see who is relatively free, and feel good writing, such as a little girl in the marketing department or looking for an intern, what the company has to hand over to the company He wrote it. It can be done for a while and it has no effect. The reading volume of the article is still a few dozen. There are always bosses pointing at the nose of their employees, why people can write 100,000+, and you can't!

But we can't just look at the surface of others, but also how much they invested. If you don't have a budget, spend more time on the content. If you run the public number yourself, it is recommended that the founders spend more time thinking about the content. Interns can't really understand the needs of target consumers, and it's hard to write what they want.

So when I think about it, I want to find an outsourcing company. So how much is it appropriate for the outsourcing company in a month?

The 微信 public number operation is divided into the following parts:

xx 1.人力资源。这部分成本占运营成本的80%为微信,主要工作包括微信公共号码后台设置,微信文章写入,微信风扇交互式维护。文章的质量和数量直接决定了微信生成操作的成本。一般来说,在微信公共号码的一周发表2-3篇文章更合适。文章的质量分为伪原创和原版,什么是伪原创?粘贴副本,调整要发布的某些格式,并且报价较低。原创性是单词和单词的代码。



2. 微信开发成本。如果您只是发送一篇简单的文章,则无需开发它。但如果您需要通过微信销售商品并付款,则需要单独开发。开发成本非常昂贵。一个微型市场发展是几万元,当然你也可以买一些模板,这个更便宜,一年可以固定几千元。

3. 微信促销费用。这个成本可能很大或很小。一些大公司,如宝马和麦当劳,已经在他们的朋友圈和广泛的广告中放置了大量的广告。每月花费不到几百万。但对于中小型企业来说,肯定不是那么大。您可以每月花费1万元来试用朋友圈和公共广告。如果效果良好,请增加广告数量。

总之,微信公共账户操作的成本是根据您的需求,不同的公司有不同的做法。但如果你是一家中小型企业,你可以以每月¥5000—— 9000的价格购买。它比雇用一个特殊的人便宜得多,而且由于外包公司的经验丰富,效果会比你自己好。当然,外包公司也是喜忧参半,还有一些假数据,加上粉丝,假读数,甚至虚假赞美。每个人都需要睁开眼睛并清楚地区分它们。



