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Are you ready in the digital marketing era?

2019-07-13 11:40:30 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In the era of fragmentation and explosive growth of information, the era of big data has also arrived, which is both an opportunity and a challenge for corporate marketing.数字营销The position occupied in the marketing industry is becoming more and more important, digital marketing company 沈阳汇海 The network is ready for the meeting, what about you?


In just a few short years, the pace of technological development is getting faster and faster, and the words big data, short video, AI artificial intelligence, blockchain, content first, data-driven, and full coverage of marketing are constantly appearing in public view. It has even been applied to all walks of life. In the latest year, these phenomena will continue to appear and spread, playing a leading role in the promotion and marketing of enterprises, especially the content and data are more prominent.

The standard of enterprise marketing is to have its own official website, which can display the company's brand products in all aspects, strengthen communication with customers, and provide customers with sales. With the development of mobile social platforms and video platforms, the characteristics of simplification of operation and convenience of viewing have quickly been popular among Internet users. At the same time, enterprises have also tilted the marketing and marketing focus to the mobile side, and the PC-side investment. Will be reduced.

On the basis of the gradual fragmentation of the media environment and the faster and faster update of things, the marketing platform that enterprises can choose has begun to diversify. According to statistics, in the budget allocation of marketing promotion, 87% of enterprises clearly indicated that they will further increase the budget for mobile marketing in the future, while the traditional PC-side publicity trend is slowly decreasing, and more than 60% of enterprises reduce the delivery or Even if it is not delivered, it can be seen that mobile terminals are increasingly favored by branded products. But 沈阳软件 production


xx 无论推广方法如何,其分发的关键渠道始终围绕社交和视频类型。移动分销渠道的第一个位置是社交平台,PC是视频网站。


其次是KOL的社交营销,短片,现场直播等.KOL带来商品的能力与明星相当。这是社交营销的一个关键点。有数据显示,71%的品牌所有者明年会增加社交营销投资,平均增长率为21%。 KOL占67%。


