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Why develop a 微信 distribution model

2019-07-13 12:59:20 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信 distribution is a marketing method used by merchants who open stores on 微信. We know that current online stores require traffic. If there is no traffic, even if the products you sell are good, consumers will not know, and therefore neither. Will generate industry sales. And 微信 points

微信分销is a marketing method used by merchants who open stores on 微信. We know that current online stores require traffic. If there is no traffic, even if the products you sell are good, consumers will not know, so No sales will be generated. And 微信 distribution is a way to bring traffic to businesses on 微信. So now many businesses are using the 微信 distribution model.


First, the cost is low

If there is no publicity, it is only by relying on the consumer's own traffic, this method is definitely not acceptable, because there are too many online stores, and it is difficult for consumers to distinguish the quality of the products. The 微信 distribution can not only help the merchants to increase the fans, but also make the products of the merchants more aware through the mutual promotion between friends and friends. In addition, its cost is relatively low, so it is very popular among businesses.

Second, mutual recommendation between friends is more reliable

微信 distribution is the flow brought by the mutual promotion between friends and friends. In our actual life, few people see advertisements to buy, we are more willing to believe that friends recommend to themselves, so the 微信 distribution model can be The circle of friends is widely used.

Third, the participating consumers love goods

xx 事实上,我们每个人都有一个想法,我们希望其他人认识到我们的想法。 微信发行版正式利用了人们的心理。消费者参与业务活动并与朋友分享。当朋友询问这样的产品时,他肯定会告诉他的朋友这个产品相对于其他产品的优势。这种方式对于商家来说也是不可见的。宣传,让更多消费者参与,并将顾客带到他们的商店。





